Sentences with phrase «pure aloe vera gel»

You can also order suitable products online, or if all else fails, use pure aloe vera gel to wash your hair.
Use this serum in conjunction with pure aloe vera gel (best applied twice daily) for rapid relief!
It's best to buy pure aloe vera gel (or an aloe plant to break open the leaf) because many over-the-counter aloe vera gels contain chemicals and preservatives that can increase symptoms.
Mix 1 teaspoon of raw organic turmeric powder with 1/4 cup of raw honey (Manuka honey would be the best), and pure aloe vera gel, or fresh lemon juice and make a mask.
Aloe Vera Gel Pure aloe vera gel — from inside the leaf of the aloe plant — has been found to have an anti-inflammatory effect in people with ulcerative colitis.
Look for pure aloe vera gel instead.

Not exact matches

The strategy — pure aloe vera comes in a gel form, so like honey it is extremely convenient to use.
When choosing your aloe vera gel product, you want to go for something as pure as possible.
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