Sentences with phrase «pure gift»

God was other than his creation, but sought the friendship of man as pure gift to his creature (Gen. 2:8; 3:8) Morality proceeded from this divine friendship and from this very life - law built into the nature of man by his Maker.
So this is our first principle of vocation, that our life is pure gift from God and it's in relationship with him that we flourish.
Unless a gift is in this fashion sacrificial — the giving up of something — it is argued, a gift reduces to a hidden contractual agreement, governed by a principle of self - interest; and actions out of self - interest, as Kant pointed out, are not pure gifts.
Properly understood, every deacon, priest and bishop should see his place in the order as pure gift, a sharing in higher gifts in order that he might be at the service of others — clergy and lay.
But He trod the wine press alone (Is 63:3), as a pure gift for others.
None of this can be acquired by our own efforts, all is pure gift.
And we are ready to have someone point to what is in our midst and say, There it is, the peace you yearn for: everlasting Love given to you in what looks to be but mere bread and wine» gift, pure gift, questions answered, wounds healed, loneliness vanished, and death of every sort conquered.
It is a power in the heart of the believer here and now - the essence and attraction of Jesus (cf. Jn 4, 1 - 42) as pure gift to those who will accept him.
In his view faith understands itself as the pure gift of God, a God who is imaged as acting from above and may be thought of by analogy with human persons.
Because he conceives radically the idea of the grace of God, he makes it plain that God's forgiveness must be for man an event in time, that the relation of «I» and «Thou» exists between God and man, that God stands opposite to man as another Person over whom the man can have no sort of control, who meets man with His claim and with His grace, whose forgiveness is pure gift.
It presents the claim of God to him and thus it identifies the forgiveness as divine, because it is pure gift, delivering man while judging him.
[23] Such a union can not occur through human striving, since it is pure gift.
Stepping into the pulpit regularly did involve a funny thing, a sense of hilarity and mirth at the notion that God will entrust a human being with the opportunity to share something not of his or her creation, not something he or she had earned the right to share, but something that is pure gift, easily sullied except for grace, and sometimes, for a moment, shining clear and beautiful and beyond compare.
As Holloway consistently points out, it is the only destiny God ever willed for us; even so, because it is an abundance beyond our expectations, this is a pure gift to us from God, a gift in the order of charity, and because God never acts imperfectly we find that this gift of sheer love is the greatest gift that could ever be bestowed on us [1].
It wasn't until I experienced the freedom of movement, the uninhibited joy of breathing and stretching with patients in Haiti, that I felt what a pure gift yoga really is.
Ajai honors only the purest gifts of Mother Earth to nourish our beautiful bodies and souls.
The winner of last weeks L'Oreal Ever Pure gift set is: Linda Ruamthong... congratulations Linda, you're Ever Pure Gift is on it's way!
Their unspoken chemistry is the movie's funniest, purest gift.
Presence requires that you set aside your phone, paperwork, and other distractions to offer the pure gift of attention to another human being.
---- I love your pure gifts, your skin like whole stones, your nails, offerings, in the suns of your fingers, your mouth brimming with all joys.
For instance, if a Bitcoin transaction is anything other than a pure gift, a contract has been created, which brings laws regarding contracts into the scene.
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