Sentences with phrase «pure observation»

When two theories conflict, their protagonists can withdraw, not to a supposedly pure observation language, but to an observation language whose theoretical assumptions are not immediately at issue.
However by getting a spirit of dedication we can find out what pure observation of one's thoughtprocess means.
As with his many previous films Wiseman satisfies himself with no talking heads, no introductory title cards; just pure observation.
He is very good at pure observation - as when he remarks in passing that «in Cubist practice the figure was worn down by the pumice of structural analysis,» and he is also very good about himself.
The purpose is to detect leaks that have not manifested themselves visually and, therefore, can not be picked up by pure observation alone.
There is no pure observation language; the distinction between theory and observation is relative, pragmatic and context - dependent.
It accepts the idea that there is no pure observation language, but it does not accept the claim that theories are incommensurable.
Nagel, Hempel, Braithwaite, Popper, and others1 pictured two distinct levels in science: an unproblematic lower level of unchanging, objective data, describable in a pure observation language on which all observers can agree; and a separate upper level of theoretical constructs, acknowledged as products of man's creative imagination.
The empiricists of the 1950's had claimed that science starts from publicly observable data which can be described in a pure observation - language independent of any theoretical assumptions.
(1) Science starts from publicly observable data which can be described in a pure observation - language independent of any theoretical assumptions.
This limitation, Guo says, has «basically shut the door on using Einstein's equation and pure observation to measure a cell's mechanical properties.»
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