Sentences with phrase «pure scientist»

And there are more pure artists than pure scientists out there, at least among the actual voters.
While June is an artist at heart, el Kaliouby, who's 37, is pure scientist, steeped in the academic literature of computer science and psychology.
I mean, the pure scientist might just look at fWAR or JAWS and call it good.
I have fond memories of operating in a studio as a pure scientist, with absolutely no agenda other than to brainstorm art theory and develop new methods.
I think there are about as many «pure journalists» as there are «pure scientists»; — RRB - I have to give some more thought to this but it seems that the «balance as bias» argument is asking journalists to move away from the «honest broker» who reflects the range of views to become «issue advocates» who choose one view over another.
In a sense, in times of need, some among the pure scientists sometimes should become applied scientists or engineers.
I think there is definitely a role that is properly called «pure scientist».
In doing so, she is, at least arguably, expressing the scientific ethic: the role of the pure scientist is to speak very carefully and precisely and in measured fashion.
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