Sentences with phrase «pure state of»

Michael launches into a pure state of exuberance about the new App Store for e-Ink, new developers system for paid apps and why Amazon / Google is bad for your privacy.
Get ready to get fast tracked into a space where you can design your life from a pure state of bliss.
What then does religious balance at the Flagstaff House compose of, a Christian President, a Muslim Vice President, An African Traditional Religion Chief of Staff, a Hindu Deputy Chief of Staff, presidential Staffers made up of Buddhists, Krishnas, Mormons, Jehovah's Witness, Suni Muslims, Ahmadis, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, Charismatic, Tigari Worshipers, etc. a pure state of mindless absurdities we will find ourselves.
In Sanskrit, «atmani» means «in the pure state of the soul.»
Through curated and customized itineraries, Atmani Wine Country Tours provides guests with unique adventures into the pure state of the soul, found well off the tourist path.
For instance, there are the hermeneutical questions of whether the image of Christ emerging through the glasses of Islamic mysticism is what the Bible or Biblical authors «intended»; If the purpose of the crystallization of the supposed authorial intention or purpose is to connect the ancient and the present «viewpoints» or the worldviews, one may ask if such a possibility of a pure state of intention possible to extract at all, or is it not that the reader often always creates» at least some elements of the supposed «intentions».
He never gets angry (mind - altering), sad (mind - altering), happy (mind - altering), or anything but the purest state of mind that never changes.

Not exact matches

There is a strong community of owners who all work together and support each other with the same goal of spreading the Pure Barre experience across the United States.
Free from any real responsibility, with more money than they know what to do with, the recent generations of Johnsons represent the idea of the wealthy family dynasty in its purest state: rich, bored and dangerously aimless.
For the United States, with its population of 320 million at the time of that study, the pure economic payoff was thus only $ 400 per person, while per capita GDP was close to $ 50,000.
The love of Pure Barre runs deep — it spans cities, states, and countries.
Tanya is grateful to be a Pure Barre studio owner, stating «There is a sense of pride that comes with being a Pure Barre owner, and a lot of that is related to associating with this impressive network of entrepreneurs.»
About two years after moving to Canada, Ken and Adrienne made the decision to move back to Adrienne's home state of New Hampshire and introduce the Granite State to Pure Bstate of New Hampshire and introduce the Granite State to Pure BState to Pure Barre!
They are very excited to develop their friendship into a business partnership stating, «We were inspired to open because of Pure Barre's ability to change people's lives in so many different ways like it did our own.
She attended Michigan State University and graduated with honors, earning her bachelors degree in child development — with intentions of pursuing a career as a preschool teacher until Pure Barre came into her life.
She also recommends seeking the mentorship of an established Pure Barre owner, stating «The Pure Barre community of owners have advised and supported me throughout the entire process.
She has also found a great amount of support from the Pure Barre Corporate team, stating «They get feedback from over 300 studios, find the best practices, and deliver them to you in a neat little box with a bow.»
Prior to opening Pure Barre San Tan Village, Nicole was a practice manager at a physician's office, and graduated from Arizona State University with the highest of honors.
A pure ground state of potential.
The State also targets women in an effort to confine them to the stereotype of the pure and docile Korean woman.
The Boy Scouts of America have always seen themselves as the legitimate representatives in the United States of the pure Scouting movement, as originally concevied by Robert Baden - Powell.
As Pope Benedict has often stated, this primordial question is whether at the origin of all there is a logos or there is pure causality, randomness.
This is what you call «HOME OF THE BRAVE, LAND OF THE FREE, Texas is the most racist state in the country, Look at their history of hatred 1 - writing slurs of people of color on rocks, putting people to death in their jails, the only chance you have living in that sate is if you are white a pure christiaOF THE BRAVE, LAND OF THE FREE, Texas is the most racist state in the country, Look at their history of hatred 1 - writing slurs of people of color on rocks, putting people to death in their jails, the only chance you have living in that sate is if you are white a pure christiaOF THE FREE, Texas is the most racist state in the country, Look at their history of hatred 1 - writing slurs of people of color on rocks, putting people to death in their jails, the only chance you have living in that sate is if you are white a pure christiaof hatred 1 - writing slurs of people of color on rocks, putting people to death in their jails, the only chance you have living in that sate is if you are white a pure christiaof people of color on rocks, putting people to death in their jails, the only chance you have living in that sate is if you are white a pure christiaof color on rocks, putting people to death in their jails, the only chance you have living in that sate is if you are white a pure christian.
Asserting the ability of the individual to interpret the word of God for himself, the Disciples of Christ sought to restore Christianity to its pure primitive state.
It can be thought of as the purest example of the state of nature, but it can also be imagined as the place of freedom, the «territory» that the likes of Huck Finn take off to, or the place of heroism, where the sorts of men extolled by Teddy Roosevelt can thrive.
Mark Driscoll, the well - known US pastor and avowed supporter of MMA, states: «I don't think that there is anything purer than putting two men in a cage... and just seeing which man is better.
God the Holy Spirit — The spiritual state of being and acting in pure love (and / or peace, harmony, wisdom, knowledge — insert your favorite divine adjective here)
Whitehead notes this limitation, for while he freely allows that animals are capable of morality, because morality emphasizes the «detailed occasion,» he states that they are not religious, because religion requires a grasp of pure ideality.
It is stated that mankind exists in two sexes from the pure untarnished beginning, and that both sexes owe their origin to God's primordial will, are made «of the same stuff», both equally close to God's creative act and equally distant from all that is merely animal.
Pure self - deprication your Word is due in main - part that your base - rooted secularisms do show thru with much transpancies that I am so blinded by your ambiguous animosities when your reguarded idealisticisms surrmountives aptly portaled and in your so stating such, «Many Christians in Palestine were in need at the time of the apostles.
A final cleavage is necessary to separate absolutely, in a pure state, the conflicting spiritual tendencies which are confusedly intermingled in the present world, at the heart of human freedom.
As being can never be studied as an independent object, the history of metaphysical thought can not be without implications for the history of being:» [E] very science goes through a process of historical development in which, although the fundamental or general problem remains unaltered, the particular form in which this problem presents itself changes from time to time; and the general problem never arises in its pure or abstract form, but always in the particular or concrete form, determined by the present state of knowledge or, in other words, by the development of thought hitherto.
Later Keynes underwent a conversion, stating, «Defense of free trade theory is, I submit, the result of pure intellectual error, due to a complete misunderstanding of the theory of equilibrium in international trade.»
She writes: «The «sad effects of this blind submission to pure consumerism,» John Paul stated, are a combination of materialism and restless dissatisfaction as the «more one possesses the more one wants.»
It seems the state of man across all systems that we have these sorts of people that need their orthodoxies to be pure, and yet, if we all were to be honest with ourselves we'd have to truly know our assumptions, the assumptions that we each make as we come to our faith and belief and living statements.
Moreover, the wave function contains all the information about the state of the system (provided that it is pure).
Kant explains the possibility of this cognitive State by an appeal to a pure intuition which provides the required objective domain.
From my research, original Christ men and women entered into the Kingdom of God in a visual meditative state and into the Living, Objective, Visual, and Telepathic Awareness with the Family of God Members and Experienced Pure Love, Peace, and a Knowing They were Truly Sons and Daughters of God the Father and Mother.
The whole story of gas chambers and crematoria is pure fiction, a gigantic hoax, a myth, a vicious fraud invented by World Jewry in order to gain financial reparations from Germany and global sympathy for the state of Israel.
It follows that the exaltation of pure self - sacrifice for the other is secretly the sacrifice of all individuals to the impersonality of the formal procedural law of state and marketplace.
Many verses in the bible both imply and state outright that we should practice religion as followers of Christ, including James 1:27 which outlines what pure religion is.
Such men are in a state of freedom, because they have lost the fear of pain or hell, and the hope of reward or heaven, and are living in pure submission to the eternal Goodness, in the perfect freedom of fervent love.
The idea is that evil, in its purest form, is a state of nothingness, and what we see as evil and label as evil in our common experience is really a sort of entropy: reality breaking down and falling apart in both relational and physical ways, a movement toward nothingness?
These errors are like those made when a nation is defined either institutionally as state, or as pure community by reference only to national «spirit» or a «way of life.»
Francis Bellamy created the Pledge in its pure form and protested the first change:»... of the United States of America».
Pope Benedict analyses Luke's account of the Transfiguration in the context of Jesus» prayer, as Luke is the only evangelist to state Jesus» intention to pray as the reason to ascend Tabor: «The Transfiguration is a prayer event; it displays visibly what happens when Jesus talks with his Father: the profound interpenetration of his being with God, which then becomes pure light.
Moreover, despite its wealth and power, the United States alone can not save the world, even if it set out to do so with the purest of motives.
it is only in the Christo - centric area of a noogenetic Universe that it [love] is released in the pure state and so displays its astonishing power to transform everything and replace everything... A current of love is all at once released, to spread over the whole breadth and depth of the World; and this it does not as though it were some super-added warmth or fragrance, but as a fundamental essence that will metamorphose all things, assimilate and take the place of all.94
Accordingly, this «category of conceptual valuation» states that, e.g., after having a feeling of the green feeling in a previous actual entity, the present subject will in the second phase of its experience feel green qua green, i.e., as a pure possibility, in abstraction from its ingression in the actual world.
That is to say, since infants have a pure nous which is in a state of illumination, and they have noetic prayer, then why do we baptize them?
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