Sentences with phrase «purer concept of»

He mocked the all - too - human gods around him for the sake of a better, purer concept of God.
11The latter comments occur in the context of the chapter on the «bifurcation of nature, but it is clear that Whitehead (at this point in time) holds the idealists responsible for this bifurcation, along with reductionists like Newton and dualists like Locke, because all bog down on the alleged difference, and the subsequent question of the relation between, nature and mind, rather than developing a pure concept of nature in itself.
However, under these premises it's an additional characterization tool for characterizing catalysts even though they do not fit into the pure concept of chemical kinetics.
Characters and their relationships were defined by the pure concept of the film, as it paired Taron Egerton's rough and troubled Eggsy with Colin Firth's suave, well mannered Agent Galahad.
It is their pure concept of abstraction and concept.

Not exact matches

Melissa's aspirations of owning her own business, knack for motivating people and belief in the benefits of the concept were the primary deciding factors in wanting to introduce Pure Barre to Pittsburgh.
This solidifies Pure Barre's position as the leader in the barre segment, with more than double the locations of any other barre concept.
whether it is in pure concept, or in the case of the casual observer «cause plus observed effect i.e. God and the faith of the Christian in him.
There is a distinction in theology between the divine attributes in general, which include all things correctly said of God, and «pure perfections,» those divine attributes that admit no imperfection into the concept.
We have here an updated version of Kant's criticism of the Leibnizian monad in the «Amphiboly» in the Critique of Pure Reason: the spatially situated existent is indeed made up of relations rather than being a substance containing its «inhering» attributes internally as predicates which are part of its concept; only the relations are no longer those of the synthetically connected manifold, but the relational connections between the particulars of modern functional or mathematical logic, expanded to include within itself the spatial and temporal relations which Kant could only account for by means of the synthetic a priori.
It also suggests that while ICant rejected the ontological argument as a proof of God's existence, he affirmed this view of its significance when be established the concept of the ens realissimum as one of the ideas of pure reason.
Then there is the set of secular concepts by which this religious idea has usually been interpreted: pure actuality, immutability, impassivity, uncaused causality.
It is to be noted that the criticism which Collingwood here formulates is identical to his criticism on the concept of pure being in EM 14.
Thus already, in the pure nonconducting and noninsulating space of mathematics, the concepts of inside and outside prove far from «simple.»
He pointed out that the idea that physical things are each «simply located» in a Cartesian pure space is a case of a past technical concept diffused into present common sense (SMW ch.
To be sure, the concept of God I espouse also differs, for it conceives the divine actuality as pure becoming.
The concept of a Triune god was stolen from the ancient Egyptian's and has no place in pure worship.
Fundamental research, sometimes called pure science, aims at understanding the natural world; it issues in the basic concepts and principles of science.
The question, therefore, is whether such a concept of a cause to which the infinite reality of pure act belongs as a factor constituting it without becoming an intrinsic constituent of the entity of the finite cause itself, but in some way remains free, detached from the process of becoming, but provides the real ground of the self - transcending operation of the finite agent itself, is a valid and demonstrable concept, or only a paradoxical and intrinsically self - contradictory construction which can only conceal the fact that our thought has reached an impasse.
The concept of divine coercive power, both in its pure and modified forms, has led to grave difficulties.
But such an abstraction or formlessness of energy and life is the equivalent of the «Pure Act» concept of God, an actuality that has realized every possible form.
In that concept, God was devoid of any physical dimension, being rather an entirely conceptual act of valuation of pure eternal objects, that is, of eternal objects in themselves, rather than as actualized in temporal actual entities.
It is a very voluntaristic conception of God, a God who is pure will, and therefore in this respect nearer to the classical concept of God than to Hartshorne's.
The pure science of the theory NEVER says to «imagine» anything, though many scientists speaking to a public not as well versed in science do use metaphor, analogy, and imagined scenarios to help people grasp the concept.
The pre-Socratic response to this experience was essentially poetic: not an attempt to devise a hierarchy of categories by which to capture the event in a cage of human concepts but, rather, an attempt to name the event of being in its mystery, with an almost childlike innocence, in a language of purest immediacy.
Religious literature in general tends either to be basically historical narrative, interwoven with elements of interpretation due to later insights, overlaid with legend, but consciously intended to be historical; or to be pure myth: a concept clothed in narrative form, and consciously only clothed in that form.
Democracy is not an abstract concept of the kind that can be set forth mathematically in terms of pure ratiocination.
Pure chance, absolutely free but blind, at the very root of the stupendous edifice of evolution: this central concept of modern biology is no longer one among other possible or even conceivable hypotheses.
If the tiki - taka period can be considered to be the ultimate expression of the Barcelona creed — an evolution of Johan Cruyff's ideals delivered and refined by his most devout and devoted student — then so too can the Galactico concept be viewed as the purest distillation of the ethos and identity of Real Madrid.
I'd love to say that some magical moment occurred during my pregnancy where I welcomed the concept of having a child, let go of all my vacillation about motherhood and instead looked forward to my due date with pure confidence and excitement.
«It is my conviction that pure mathematical construction enables us to discover the concepts and the laws connecting them, which give us the key to the understanding of the phenomena of Nature,» he declared in 1933.
The key to the discovery was applying the pure math concept of mean width, which is trickier to measure than its cousins — surface area and volume, says materials scientist David Srolovitz of Yeshiva University in New York City, who, along with mathematician Robert MacPherson of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., published the finding online today in Nature.
«The larger concept is, and this is pure speculation: Is a disease like autism really a disease of the brain or maybe a disease of the gut or some other aspect of physiology?»
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Forget the human subplots that writers have managed to weave into the extraordinary tales of recent years — there are no debates on the concept of power or how it should be used, no treatises on the nature of fear — this is pure and unrefined escapism.
I think the concept of Inception is pure genius.
What is perhaps so incredible is the concept of leisure, a cousin to pleasure, pure gorgeous indolence and sexiness for six whole weeks.
The core concept of the film is pure gold, but it's the way Byrkit introduces it and then how he so deftly manipulates all of the elements within it that turns the idea into something rousing and unforgettable.
Winding nail - biting suspense out of pure repetition and moderate existential panic, Jones nails a feverish pitch that takes a bizarre concept and shapes it into exhilarating cinema.
The concept is pure and perfectly suited to the genre, and it's a brilliant conceit because it makes you a part of the experience.
Just when you thought the concept of a killer clown had been all used up, here comes one of the most unnerving, pure horror films of...
Players can choose from stock cars to pure racing vehicles to never - released concept cars and, for the first time in the series» history, Porsche vehicles will be part of the action.
Students in the United States, she notes, are more open to the concept of «collective merit» admissions — where a person contributes something to the collective merit of the cohort — taking into consideration factors beyond pure academic performance, such as athletic prowess, race, or legacy status that adds to the overall diversity of the group.
PISA advises that exposure to complex mathematic concepts and procedures has a positive impact on performance and while disadvantaged pupils spend about the same amount of time in maths classes, they are less exposed to pure mathematics tasks and concepts that tend to be associated with better learning outcomes.
The fact that the proposed mid-engined 960 supercar, powered by a brand - new flat - eight, has apparently dropped out Porsche's informal top ten «to do» list in favor of a smaller version of the gorgeous Mission E four - door coupé concept, known internally as Pajun E, shows how seriously Porsche is taking pure EVs.
Then there are the pure concept cars, like the Opel Monza and Volvo Coupe, which might never see the light of day in their current form, but offer us a chance to see the general direction that the company's cars are heading.
Audi head of exterior design Andreas Mindt peeled back the layers of his team's Detroit auto show concept car, diving deep into which elements we'll see in Audi showrooms, and which are pure concept - car fancy.
I do prefer the lights of the Spider; the bug - like, multi-eyes that sit on the front of the Coupe look too fussy and don't look as pure as the Spider's lights, which are similar to those of the 4C concept.
There is also sentiment within the Nissan ranks to develop a smaller, purer Z along the lines of its well - received, rear - drive IDx concepts, but that would probably require a costly, bespoke platform.
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