Sentences with phrase «purple verbena»

It's so nice to see your purple verbena used in such a unique way.
The purple verbena looks like it was meant to be with your statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
For the stone retablo in our front courtyard, I pulled purple verbena which was growing wildly in our back yard and «planted» its roots in a small opening at the retablo base.
Because on an El Paso garden tour of homes this past Sunday, I saw purple verbena everywhere, peeking out of unusual places in beautiful West Texas gardens.
The EEA's living map is made up of 5,000 plants from 20 different plant species, including purple verbena, dark green sedum and delicate sutera, all growing inside felt pockets attached to a custom - made support structure and watered by an automated system that drains to the bottom of the wall.
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