Sentences with phrase «purpose it serves other»

I don't even know it is, or what purpose it serves other than being incredibly beautiful.

Not exact matches

Recognizing that there's no higher purpose than serving others is a critical first step toward inner peace.
You aren't a real leader until others believe that you are putting them first and serving a purpose greater than yourselves.
Howard attributes Troy's success to his clear attachment to the broader purpose of serving others.
Peter Drucker, arguably the leading management thinker of the twentieth century, observed, «If a new venture does succeed, more often than not it is n a market other than the one it was originally intended to serve, with products and services not quite those with which it had set out that are bought in large part by customers it did not even think of when it started and used for a host of purposes besides the ones for which the products were first designed.»
We don't wish ill on any other form of energy because it serves no purpose.
In the early days of human existence, for example, it served a survival purpose, helping us fight back when we were attacked by predators or other humans.
For the individual serving as the chief executive officer of the Company at the end of the taxable year and for the individuals serving as officers of the Company or a subsidiary at the end of such year who are among the three highest compensated officers (other than the chief executive officer and chief financial officer) for proxy reporting purposes, Section 162 (m) of the Code limits the amount of compensation otherwise deductible by the Company and its subsidiaries for such year to $ 1,000,000 for each such individual except to the extent that such compensation is «performance - based compensation.»
Bottom Line: Ethereum serves a different purpose than other cryptocurrencies, but it has quickly grown to displace all but Bitcoin in value.
First, my usual disclosure: I run an asset - allocation portfolio that is low cost, global and made up of mostly passive indexes and other strategies; I also run a tactical portfolio that serves behavioral purposes.
They likely have many other holdings, each of which serves a different purpose.
If so, then these needs to be traded on the open stock markets & accepted as payment just as a US Dollar for services, debts and any other purpose that the currency serves as.
Our board of directors has affirmatively determined that Messrs. Vivian and Guillemin meet the definition of «independent director» for purposes of serving on an audit committee under Rule 10A - 3 and the New York Stock Exchange rules, and we intend to comply with the other independence requirements within the time periods specified.
For others, their purpose may be to spend a dollar where it will best be used to serve others.
A charitable organization serves broad public purposes in educational, religious, scientific and artistic fields, among others, as well as the relief of poverty and other public benefit activities.
Surveys can be used by faculty to support research, used by administrators for opinion surveys or to serve other administrative functions, and for many other purposes.
However, hiding does serve a useful purpose: it keeps others from dealing to you the same that you have attempted to deal to me.
But the purposes of theological dialogue are much better served by the assumption of two active and responsible partners than of one who is active (and guilt - ridden) and the other passive (and self - righteous).
The message is, if they are going to do it anyway, what possible purpose, other than the further misery of suffering patients, will be served by our continuing to forbid it?
The sad truth is, even though our politicians try to sell us that our motive is freedom for other peoples, we are happy to support dictators as long as they serve our purposes.
Religion no longer serves a useful purpose, other than to perhaps give some measure of comfort to the dying that there's somehow more after «lights - out».
If one believes in man's free will than what purpose does god serve (expect if there is an afterlife which is a whole other can of worms).
In other words, God did not create the Sabbath to rule over the lives of mankind, but created the Sabbath to serve mankind, to help mankind accomplish our mission and purpose on earth.
Just shooting some questions at random without understanding God's plan is futile and does not serve any purpose other than branding you as being ignorant.
It tends to serve no purpose except making a bunch of Christians mad at each other, which in turn turns off unbelievers from Christianity.
Harvey Cox captures this facet of play well when he describes festivity as»... a brief recess from history making» which nonetheless restores our vision to recreate history.38 «Phenomenologically, play is complete in itself,» Richard Burke observes, «although it may serve other purposes as well.
But this is to misread the biblical texts in order to make them serve other than their intended purposes.
Obviously, one is teaching and encouraging students more directly, and the other is shaping the overall life of the seminary; but the purpose of that is for the overall shaping of the many, many denominations that Fuller serves.
In my opinion it probably served a purpose for a time, but I agree that what may have started as a sincere desire to question presuppositions now has become a place where people are about name, career, money, ego, etc. just like every other established religious structure.
Both in body and spirit, some elements emancipate while others chain us, and the same thing may serve either purpose according to its use.
But others will see the change as a blessing in disguise, as the Church in America is forced to humbly reconsider its mission and purpose as a «set apart» people committed to serving rather than ruling.
Our whole life is serving one single purpose, and that is to serve others in the gospel.
Virtually all previous representatives of the modern natural law tradition, including Grotius and even Hobbes, had in some way or other related natural rights to divine power or command, which served as the source for the directives of natural law notwithstanding that these did not derive from a divine telos or comprehensive purpose.
As in past centuries of Christian conversion, the missionary and military sometimes went hand in hand, each serving the purposes of the other, and not always in a manner or a spirit consonant with the spirit of Christ.
President Obama isn't offensive with unnecessary chiding remarks that would serve no purpose but to inflame other nations.
It serves other purposes that explain its length — for being such a devotee to science you show way to much blind faith in Richard Dawkins!
God's creatures are good, and were made for men to serve God with, and do not willingly subserve to any other purpose, and groan when they are abused to purposes so directly contrary to their nature and end.
Both groups are too entrenched in their own beliefs & this little sparr fest really serves no other purpose than to raise endorphin levels!
Latest was explosions in India marked as «Islamic Jihadists» and another in Pakistan although I was surprised that it was not marked as «Hindu Jihadists»... That would have had both Great Countries confront each other serving the purpose of other competing nations over the Rich Indian Peninsular... Believe me no nation fall back unless people of her own are traitors to it's nations principals and beliefs for the reason of Hate, Envy, Revenge, or Greeds towards material wealth even if by selling their Dignity and integrity or their family, tribe, community, the nation and the country it wouldn't mean much to them... and those can be found among every level of the one Society...
Yet whenever there has been a clear conception of the office one of these functions has been regarded as central and the other functions have been ordered so as to serve, not indeed it, but, the chief purpose that it served directly.
The Israelite Melekh, the God who led Abraham in his wanderings, differs from other gods of the way in that He does not serve the purposes of the people by leading them to a place that they know and wish to go to.
It served a valuable purpose for a good while, and I don't begrudge others who still do it, as long as they typify me or my children as hell - bound because they don't pretend to have a sacred, personal relationship with the creator of the universe.
To put this in traditional language, the Church manifests its Christian identity by proclaiming Jesus Christ, by making him available for men and women, by laboring to create and nourish a life in others which reflects and serves his purposes and his own quality of life.
But, in the various dicasteries — as the congregations and other offices are called — the atmosphere is one of earnestness of purpose in serving the pope.
In the past, however, government has been understood to have purposes and goals other than economic ones, and economic decisions have been supposed to serve these goals.
If, for our purposes, Cotton Mather can stand as a kind of archetype of Puritanism, with his very considerable impulsive energy kept in tight control and consecrated with meaning by its service to the divine plan, Benjamin Franklin may serve, as he has for so many others, as an archetype of the worldly American.
What purpose does it serve to try and convince others to a life where rationality?
Actually, Lambert's 1772 equal - area projection might serve better for Peters's purpose, since it eliminates shape distortion at the equator, and applies it instead to other regions of the map, including the industrialized areas.
Even with the phenotype, perhaps there is a «trade off involved» in that the same underlying genetic sub-scripts serve other purposes, or perhaps the sheer numbers of gene - hormonal permutations mean it will always manifest itself due to pure statistics.
From Israel we have learned to see man as a finite creature whose purpose in life is to serve God by the way he lives his life, cares for his fellows, treats all other forms of life and uses the world.
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