Sentences with phrase «purpose of an activity when»

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In addition, when we garden with others, and when we further enhance this activity through developing a community garden or donating some of our bounty to a food bank, we feel a sense of belonging; we bond with our peers — which in turn can lead to supportive, collaborative, and nourishing relationships, both personal and professional; and we tap into a sense of meaning and purpose in life, by helping out those in need.
When you feel like you should do something, deriving a sense of purpose or passion from that activity becomes difficult.
That they are many in number is clear from the statements of purpose made by schools when they define to what end they are training ministers, and by other church organizations — denominations, councils, conferences, et cetera — when they justify their activities.
When all is said and done the increase of this love of God and neighbor remains the purpose and the hope of our preaching of the gospel, of all our church organization and activity, of all our ministry, of all our efforts to train men for the ministry, of Christianity itself.
But be the value of metaphysical speculation of this sort what it may, when one sees activity characterized by reason and purpose and at the same time producing strains of living matter (no longer a word of materialism) which in turn has personality as a function, one has come in sight of God.
Having reviewed the «Morning Joe» piece that he was in, the interviewers really grilled him on Obama and Obama's faith, when the purpose of Franklin Graham being there should have been about the political activity between America and countries where his team is working.
Sometimes I am tempted to make up some such activities, to see what happens (like the man who answered «Principal purpose of visit» when asked on a US immigration form whether he was concerned in plots to overthrow the government of the United States).
«Religion is that activity of the human impulse towards self - preservation by means of which Man seeks to carry his essential vital purposes through against the adverse pressure of the world by raising himself freely towards the world's ordering and governing powers when the limits of his own strength are reached.»
And when you have a number of different activities they can all serve different purposes like meeting other people, letting off steam, helping heal parts of your body, relaxing etc..
School districts in some states, including all five surveyed, may have additional protection under «recreational use» statutes, which offer immunity from certain claims against landowners who open their property to the public for recreational use.10 In states with broad recreational use statutes, such as Indiana, opening school kitchen facilities could be considered a protected activity under the law, depending on the circumstances of the use and other factors.11 However, in Massachusetts, protection for recreational activities extends only to purposes that are «scientific, educational, environmental, ecological, research, religious, or charitable,» 12 so the state's statute might not apply when districts allow for - profit groups to use school kitchens.
When the body begins to run low on water, the list of systems that become compromised is so extensive that it's almost not worth listing - suffice it to say that anybody who has become dehydrated or severely dehydrated while engaged in any sort of physical activity is well aware how devastating it can be.The purpose of this article is to outline how to best hydrate during any sort of extended physical activity, and how to NOT approach hydration.
One reason so little learning happens when teachers assign individual learning tasks, Fisher and Frey believe, is that teachers often ask students to assume responsibility for their own learning with concepts and skills that are too recently introduced, so that students feel unclear on the purpose of the learning activity, unsure of what to do, and unmotivated.
When students are engaged in authentic learning activities, explicitly taught and modeled by the teacher, they are carefully reading and rereading with clear purposes, thinking analytically, and evaluating their understanding of texts and ideas orally or in writing.
The California Teachers Association apparently thinks it scored a major legal victory last week when a federal judge in Santa Ana dismissed a lawsuit challenging the public teachers union's collection of fees from nonmember teachers for both collective bargaining purposes and political activity.
When people engage in constructive activities and are provided with opportunities to practice decision making, to explore their sense of purpose and develop interpersonal competence, an individual's chances for a more functional life may increase.
For one, integrated curriculum fit the sociolinguistic emphasis on language in use — the idea that language, including reading, is best taught and learned when it is put to work in the service of other purposes, activities, and learning efforts.
-- With respect to existing facilities used in the provision of designated public transportation services, it shall be considered discrimination, for purposes of section 202 of this Act and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794), for a public entity to fail to operate a designated public transportation program or activity conducted in such facilities so that, when viewed in the entirety, the program or activity is readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities.
For that purpose we organize and carry out a wide variety of activities not only with the members of IGDA Denmark, but with the entire Danish games community as a whole, even extending our reach to other communities around us when needed.
Anyway that said, I came across this study when I was looking at volcanic activity around the Antarctic Peninsula, billed as a «pristine» site for measuring carbon dioxide, it is surrounded by volcanic production of carbon dioxide which can't be for all practical purposes told apart from «man made fossil fuel production».
I tell them that when the IRS audits travel expenses, they look at the primary purpose of the trip, the amount of time spent on business related activities, and any time spent doing personal activities.
Nintendo alleged that Go Cyber infringed its copyright in the header data contrary to s. 27 (2) of the act in that (i) unauthorized copies of the works are either contained in the game copiers when they were sold by Go Cyber or are obtained by following Go Cyber's instructions; (ii) Go Cyber knew (or was willfully blind to the fact) that the game copiers contained such works; and (iii) Go Cyber sold, distributed and possessed the game copiers for the purpose of those activities.
Specifically, this overlap occurred because: (1) The NPRM preamble, but not the NPRM regulation text, indicated that agencies conducting both oversight and law enforcement activities would be subject to the oversight requirements when conducting oversight activities; and (2) the NPRM addressed some disclosures for investigations of health care fraud in the law enforcement paragraph (proposed § 164.510 (f)(5)(i)-RRB-, while health care fraud investigations are central to the purpose of health care oversight agencies (covered under proposed § 164.510 (c)-RRB-.
«Commercial electronic messages» are broadly defined to include any type of electronic message (emails, twitter, text messages, instant messaging, etc.), in any format, that when examined, as a whole, have a purpose of encouraging participation in a commercial activity (regardless of whether or not that activity is carried out with a profit motive).
For purposes of this rule, plan sponsors are not subject to the requirements of § 164.504 regarding group health plans when conducting enrollment activities.
Others stated that activities provided for under the definition occur primarily to fulfill the administrative function of managed health plans and that an individual's privacy is lost when his or her individually identifiable health information is shared for administrative purposes.
• Assist lead teachers in planning, designing and implementing curriculum • Provide assistance in preparing lesson plans • Impart classroom instruction in accordance to lesson plans • Supervise and control students during class and when the lead teacher is not present • Assist students with carrying out classroom activities • Assist students during lunch time • Observe students for developmental issues and communicate findings to lead teachers • Implement age appropriate activities and monitor safety throughout • Research information for lesson development • Communicate progress and observations to parents • Maintain student records and perform other clerical tasks • Help in maintaining a clean and organized classroom • Ensure sanitation of all surfaces, equipment and toys • Assist students in social skills development • Assist in putting up bulletins • Accompany young students to the bathroom • Take attendance and make copies of tests • Assist in grading test papers and exams • Assist in checking work books and homework • Operate equipment such as projectors and computers for instructional purposes • Maintain appropriate classroom discipline and decorum • Prepare and distribute worksheets • Ensure that students retain information by repeating information constantly and practicing patience • Deliver instruction in the absence of lead teacher • Perform hall and bus duty as instructed by the lead teacher
• Performed oxygen delivery activities and maintained knowledge of related equipment • Set up and monitored mechanical ventilators and assisted with airway management and tracheal suctioning • Handled arterial punctures to obtain blood samples for testing purposes • Performed EKGs and typed correlating reports and ensured that they were properly field • Managed care and maintenance of all ventilation equipment and ensured that they were safely stored when not in use
Some indications that your spouse, partner, husband or wife has gone too far include: getting angry at you when you disagree; punching holes in walls; throwing objects (aimed at nothing or at you); destroying belongings; threatening to hurt you or leave you for the purpose of intimidating you; physically preventing you from leaving home; putting pressure on you not to work when you want to; insulting or ridiculing you; becoming jealous of your friends, activities, or hobbies; making you account for your whereabouts at all times; using promises and lies to manipulate you or to get you to forgive their angry or threatening behavior; isolating you from friends or family; making you ask permission to go out or make a career move; and threatening to harm your possessions, pets, or children.
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