Sentences with phrase «purpose of homework»

Among the often - stated purposes of homework is that it helps students develop study skills, time management skills, and responsibility.
The school's letter thanked Brown - Berry for bringing the matter to their attention and said the purpose of the homework was not to have students argue that there are any good reasons for slavery.
This workshop examines critical questions for educators to consider: What is the purpose of homework?
The purpose of homework was to keep clients connected to the experience and introduce mindfulness habits.
They suggest teachers need to talk to both parents and students about the value and purpose of homework.
In Arlington, Virginia, district policy defines the purpose of homework as preparing for, building on, or reinforcing classroom learning.
As much as we resisted changing our homework approaches, as we discussed the purpose of homework we discovered a number of outdated mental models existed among us.
This Focus On examines the purpose of homework, how to create homework that has value, homework support, parents» involvement in homework, creating clear homework policies, and assessing homework.
It is important that students understand the purpose of homework and are able to complete it.
This workshop examines critical questions for educators to consider: What is the purpose of homework?
When bringing parents on board, educators should focus on the purpose of homework rather than the amount and the importance of parental support.
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