Sentences with phrase «purpose of public education»

But then he would assert, in measured tones, that the nation has almost completely forgotten the larger purpose of public education in a democratic society.
An influential American educator would say we've forgotten the larger purpose of public education in a democratic society.
* Preparing students to become responsible citizens and helping them become economically self - sufficient were listed as the most important purposes of public education.
Student learning results are a primary purpose of public education.
Perhaps we can reach agreement that one purpose stands apart from the rest — that the indispensable core purpose of a public education system is that it prepares people for public life in a democracy, with all that this implies.
What this report shows is that there is currently a systemic failure to ensure that the moral purpose of public education as defined by the Wisconsin Supreme Court in Vincent v. Voight is being fulfilled: «An equal opportunity for a sound basic education is one that will equip students for their roles as citizens and enable them to succeed economically and personally.»
Thus very different concepts of schooling can be embraced without sacrificing the core purposes of public education
If we can't commit to restoring the public purpose of public education now, we should simply stop talking about it and settle for nothing but college and job readiness — and resign ourselves to our poisoned national politics.
Get Rid of Compulsory Schooling In the April 1924 issue of The American Mercury, journalist and satirist H.L. Mencken ginned up a well - constructed piece on the true purpose of public education: «The aim... is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.»
«Democracy Prep provides a test case of whether charter schools can successfully serve the foundational purpose of public education — preparation for citizenship — even while operating outside the direct control of elected officials,» the Mathematica report concludes.
What he may not be considering — and this is an issue that might obsess conservatives — is that the founding purpose of public education was not economic competitiveness, gap closing, or «college and career readiness» but minting American citizens, invested in the health and well - being of the republic.
Background Preparation for employment has always been considered one of the major purposes of public education, but the particular ingredients of current career - oriented programs were specified in the School - to - Work Opportunities Act adopted by the U.S. Congress in 1994.
The original purpose of public education was to create an enlightened citizenry that would sustain democracy.
In his closing remarks, the president defines the power and purpose of public education in his call to action that it is essential for our nation's actions to tell «every child, in every neighborhood... (that) your life matters.»
As we begin to recognize and embrace again the larger purposes of public education, there is some hope that encouraging and nurturing diversity within schools will no longer seem like a frill or a distraction from the push to increase test scores.
And he criticized what he says are other recent trends, including an increase in school administrators, saying the purpose of public education is not to grow the «bureaucracy».
I'm concerned that all of this is a way to avoid a real conversation about the purposes of public education and then to acknowledge our ignorance about «ensuring» success.
The purpose of public education is to provide an education for those few who want it.»
«The purpose of public education is not to educate students.
«Your question shows that you do not understand the purpose of the public education system,» Wheeler intoned.
What is the purpose of public education?
All have strong normative commitments - about the purposes of public education, the promise and failings of markets, the appropriate level of government regulations - that inform their assessments of the modest empirical literature on school choice.
Their purpose was to encourage local residents to discuss the purposes of public education, the effectiveness of their schools, and ways to improve public education
Even worse, we are losing the promise and purpose of public education — and the joy — by trying to reduce everything about teaching and learning, whether for students or teachers, to a number or algorithm.
The purpose of public education is to ensure students are prepared to meaningfully contribute to society.
It fulfills a broad vision of the purpose of public education.
I am hopeful that we can sit alongside each other and do the hard work of answering the questions most central to our democracy: What is the purpose of public education in a democratic society?
What is the purpose of public education for your school district?
In the former view as Hargreaves and Fullan point out, «the purpose of public education is increasingly to yield a short - term profit with quick returns for its investors....
And since when has the purpose of our public education system been to produce already trained workers for private industry?
This would be a good guess since the marketing plan appears to be focusing on promoting the purpose of public education as a workforce pipeline.
Jan 24 What is the purpose of public education (contd.)?
Conditioning kids to make meaningless sacrifices for Mother Earth isn't the purpose of public education.
The paper culminates in a set of recommendations that are intended to re-center the purposes of public education for low - income students, students of color, and local communities in developing more equitable, democratic school turnarounds.
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