Sentences with phrase «purpose of sex»

Legislators in eight states introduced measures to ban abortion for purposes of sex selection.
Sex Before the Fall If the primary purpose of sex is for children rather than for making love, how would this have been experienced before the Fall, before concupiscence?
Seven other states have laws in effect banning abortions for purposes of sex selection (see Abortion Bans in Cases of Sex or Race Selection or Genetic Anomaly).
And neither Jesus nor the apostle Paul suggest that non-procreative marriages are illegitimate or that procreation is the only purpose of sex.
We stressed the spiritual and symbolic, at the expense of gross incarnational fact: Hence, we played down the material element in morality, the ex opere operato aspect of the sacraments, the biological purpose of sex, the concrete burden of the historic Church.
After all, asking strangers about sex isn't always easy or appropriate, so what better place to do it than a website where men and women come for the specific purpose of sex?
A Good Samaritan, Lizet Avila, alerted law enforcement officials that she believed dogs were «being rented for purposes of sex with men» by a man in South Stockton, Calif, according to KRON4.
If that's true, it's hard to escape the conclusion that the primary purpose of sex is profoundly relational: it's meant to tightly unify husband and wife in a profound, material metaphor of the self - giving love shared within the Trinity.
The Primary Purpose of Sex and Marriage: Procreation Holloway's rooting of the purpose of sex in the Incarnation is a unique argument in favour of the conclusion articulated by the tradition and by many contemporary orthodox Catholic scholars, namely, that the «primary reason for the existence of sex in human nature in the intention of God is for children».
Some people disapprove of masturbation because they see it as a perversion of sex, but there are others that see having sex as bad unless someone is trying to procreate — seeing those who have sex with their spouses for fun as perverting the purpose of sex.
But maturity demands sexual behavior that is motivated by respect for persons, even in psychoanalytic terms, a significant testimony to the purpose of sex as it is rooted in the nature of man, which is in turn grounded in the reality of creation.10
It's entirely possible that all the above questions are addressed with depth and subtlety in actual RE lessons, and that the school's pupils can talk knowledgeably about the nature of the priesthood, the goods of marriage, the purpose of sex, and the many and varied Christian responses to the «problem of pain».
This of course brings us to the great dignity and purpose of sex: to make these new human beings within the unbreakable union of marriage.
That in itself raises fundamental biological questions: If asexual females grow faster and bear children much more quickly than sexual females, what's the purpose of sex, and why is it the dominant method of reproduction in the animal world?
University of Iowa biologists» work with sexual female and asexual female snails raises more questions about value, purpose of sex.
Though some might disagree, most biologists think the purpose of sex is to create diversity among offspring.
Still, it was the 60's, a very male - dominated society and not the most sexually open era (yet), so it was harder for men to meet women for the purposes of sex.
Its main goal is to connect men with other men for the purpose of sex.
The purpose of each sex dating is not to decide if desires a second one.more
If the purpose of Sex, Lies, and Videotape had been sleaze, this openness of conversation would likely have prefigured some form of sexual liberation for the housewife, a break from stifling social mores in favor of kinky sex with an attractive stranger.
Moreover, it is an important decision on the interpretation of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (SDA 1975), s 2 (2)(see now the Equality Act 2010, s 13 (6)-RRB- which provides that for the purposes of sex discrimination towards a man «no account shall be taken of special treatment afforded to women in connection with pregnancy or childbirth».
Using sex to becoming a more solid person (less emotionally fused with your partner) is completely backwards from common expectations that the purpose of sex is to feel closer and «become one with your partner.»
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