Sentences with phrase «purpose of teacher evaluation»

The math teacher who digresses into lectures on beekeeping may be effective in communicating information, but for purposes of teacher evaluation the learning outcomes will not match those of a colleague who sticks to quadratic equations.»
A commonly stated purpose of teacher evaluations is targeted professional development to improve teacher effectiveness; however, a presentation from Linda Darling - Hammond (2010), education policy expert and professor of education at Stanford University, noted that well under half of all teachers receive continuous professional development, mentoring or coaching or engage in peer observation as a result of evaluation.
«The primary purpose of teacher evaluation is to support teachers» growth and development so that they in turn are better able to help their students» succeed,» Cohen said.
The challenge in all of this, however, is to be clear about the purpose of teacher evaluation so as to guide appropriate selection of tools and processes, and to also understand that contextual needs in one system may be very different for another system.
I've been pushing reformers to focus less on teacher dismissal for years, so I don't really disagree with this and certainly did not intend to suggest that dismissal is the only — or even the primary — purpose of teacher evaluation.
On the subject of contributing to unproductive narratives, Kaitlin Pennington suggests that I have framed the purpose of teacher evaluation too narrowly:
In theory, the purpose of teacher evaluations is two-fold: to identify struggling teachers in need of additional professional development and mentoring and to discover gifted teachers who can serve as mentors to share best practices.
If the purpose of teacher evaluation is to support teachers» professional development and occasionally remove ineffective teachers from the classroom, then it's clear that we have a long way to go before we create a system that's useful.
Teacher roster verification refers to a specific process by which teachers review class student enrollment lists for all classes or courses they teach, thus ensuring that teachers are correctly linked only to the students they actually teach for the purposes of teacher evaluation.
There is no scientific or research - based evidence that such a link is valid, reliable, or fair for the purpose of teacher evaluation.
Policymakers may be tempted to co-opt existing assessments like California's STAR tests for the purposes of teacher evaluation.
At the same time I wonder if Gates is overly optimistic with his assumption that the purpose of teacher evaluation — conceived as it is with this «value added» scoring and then publishing methodology — is actually designed to improve teaching and student learning.
Pay special attention to Section V, the Data Use section of the grant proposal, requiring states to collect and share early childhood data, match students and teachers for the purpose of teacher evaluation, and promote inter-operability across institutions, agencies, and states.
This linkage was done without any scientific or research - based evidence that such a link was valid, reliable, or fair for the purpose of teacher evaluation.
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