Sentences with phrase «purpose of the church»

In any case, the debate over the meaning and purpose of the church in relation to social structures and problems will probably continue to divide us.
We are forced to say precisely why we want so - and - so to be cured from disease, or what the ultimate purpose of our church building campaign really is.
But what do you see as the main goal, the main purpose of the church?
It is an instrument for implementing the basic purpose of the church — increase of love of God and neighbor — by helping to release the ability to love in those in whom this ability has been blocked or crippled.
Verse 23 defines the chief purpose of the church as forgiveness of sins and the withholding of forgiveness or judgment.
The real purpose of some churches might be something like, «Your best comfort zone now.»
The primary purpose of the church is to be a community: a spiritual family in which the people are encouraged to follow not a code, but their own hearts, and its focus is the individual health of its members.
He failed to acknowledge that the entire purpose of the Church's principles on issues such as the end of life is to create a standard of conduct clear enough to guide believers through their most trying challenges.
The specific purpose of the church Eddy founded is to be an effective agency for the spiritual awakening upon which, as Christian Scientists see it, the solution of humanity's manifold problems ultimately rests.
If women's groups feel exclusive or isolating, they can detract from the greater purpose of the church as a whole.
Support for nurture as the sole purpose of church education is found in a single phrase in Horace Bushnell's Christian Nurture: A child is to grow up a Christian and never know himself or herself as being otherwise.
Social criticism is the true purpose of the Church's magisterium, which must seek engagement with the modern world rather than walling off the Church from outside influences.
The Reformers» theological convictions about the nature and purpose of the church led them to stress the importance of baptismal catechesis in congregational life.
When one sees the basic purpose of the church and the nature of mental health in juxtaposition, their interrelationship becomes clear.
Think of the real purposes of any church: to worship God, to grow in knowledge of God and the human situation, to provide resources to support Christ's kingdom and to minister to church members, the community and the world in the name of Christ.
While it is true that God commands believers to engage in loving interaction and dialogue with unbelievers for the purpose of persuading them that Jesus is indeed the Christ, the primary purpose of the church is for the equipping of believers, not unbelievers, for this work of service in the world.
So the whole purpose of church is simply to read the Bible?
It would serve no purpose that any such god could conceivably have, but such nonsensical fear mongering DOES serve the purpose of church leaders who want to herd everyone under them.
The purpose of the church, to me, is community.
He wrote that the purpose of the Church was / is to be joyful.
The purpose of church should not be the «worship service» — it should be hearing the word of God.
When you say «mutual edification is the purpose of the gathering of the church,» most people hear «mutual edification is the purpose of the church
It seems to me that one purpose of the church is to speak truth to those in power, and if it is faithful to that purpose, it will always be on the margins, and it will always come down on the side of the poor, the sick, the lame, and the blind, the widow, the orphan, and the alien.
As I have read and thought, written and talked about the church over the past few years, I have come to realize that the purpose of the church includes something the world gets nowhere else.
But the bottom line is that I'm nervous about saying that mutual edification is the purpose for the gathering of the church because this is not a far step away from saying that mutual edification is the purpose of the church, which it most definitely is not.
What is the purpose of the church when it gathers together?
There are bigger questions here about discipleship, leadership, and the purpose of the church, of course, but I'll leave it there.
This term is often pejorative, implying that some are devoted to institutional matters independently of any concern for the purposes of the church.
I made a post today about the Purpose of the church, partly in respose to your question above, but also because it has been a «rough draft» for a while, and I decided to publish it when you asked the question.
The United Church of Christ's study paper, Christian Faith and Economic Life (1987), for example, declares that the purpose of the church's political advocacy must be «to achieve the biblical concept of economic justice.»
The Purpose of the Church and Its Ministry: Reflection on the Aims of Theological Education.
I will be talking about the mission and purpose of the church, and how we have the freedom in Christ to be and do almost anything.
Therefore, the purpose of the Church is to enable the believer, through grace, to experience and participate in her normative subject, her consciousness — Christ.
[3] Niebuhr et al., The Purpose of the Church and Its Ministry, p. 107.
This has been on my heart for a while now, I believe the purpose of church is to be communal.
And the purpose of the church was to teach the angels.
The ultimate job and purpose of the Church must be to equip its members to be co-creators with this ongoing Generative and Redemptive Power of the Universe seeking to transform the world into a place of peace, justice and compassion — a world sustainable for all of its inhabitants.
Appropriate, realistic, interesting expectations for the clergy are derived from the purpose of the church.
H. Richard Niebuhr, The Purpose of the Church and Its Ministry: Reflections on the Aims of Theological Education (Harper & Brothers, 1956).
In their classic study, reported in The Purpose of the Church and Its Ministry, H. Richard Niebuhr and his collaborators concluded that «no substitute can be found for the definition of the goal of the Church as the increase among men of the love of God and neighbor.»
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