Sentences with phrase «purpose of the consultation»

Such an interpretation is at odds with overall purpose of the consultation and consent provisions.
On this reading Regulation 9 (2) allows the native title holders to issue a broad executive authority to a PBC to make native title decisions on its behalf, but such an interpretation is at odds with the overall purpose of the consultation and consent provisions.
The purpose of the consultation was to share the experiences gained by the CNI through the above process, with other churches in India and also to learn from the churches in India their mission experiences.
«The purpose of our consultation is to ask how, in a modern, internet - connected society, the law of contempt can continue to support the principles that criminal cases should be tried only on the evidence heard in court,» Professor David Ormerod, who is leading the consultation, said.
The purpose of this consultation is to provide humane care that allows your dog or cat to live a long and healthy life.
However the Danish Government has apparently denied that the Guardian's text is an official Danish proposal and in a widely - quoted statement UNFCCC executive secretary Yvo de Boer stated, «This was an informal paper ahead of the conference given to a number of people for the purposes of consultations.
Rather, the purpose of this consultation is solely to seek views as to the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) Rules were there to be a reallocation of the route of appeal to the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) in land registration cases.
This approach to consultation misses the concept and purpose of consultation.
The purpose of the consultation is to ensure that the Judicial Protocol will meet the needs of counsel, the judiciary, and parties affected by class action litigation, and will be effective in solving the problems that may arise in multijurisdictional class actions.
Understanding the purpose of a consultation can help you prepare the appropriate documents to bring.
But there are caveats, the first being that the PLAP pilot project has only been extended for the purposes of consultation with stakeholders.
At first glance, one wonders what the purpose of the consultation was.
So our head of project, Mark Schofield (he happens to be our Ministry of the Attorney General Counsel in Residence), has had preliminary discussions with a wide range of actors, just for the purpose of the consultation paper.
I laid out the arguments on both sides and stressed in my consultation materials and opening remarks at the seminars that the purpose of the consultation was to obtain advice as to revising the law of evidence, and not merely to conduct a popularity contest on the LRCC's Evidence Code.
«The purpose of this consultation is to seek feedback on practical compliance issues arising from complying with taxation obligations about cryptocurrency transactions.
The purpose of a consultation appointment might vary from person to person.
Having realistic expectations is very beneficial and one of the purposes of the consultation is to discuss whether goals are realistic or not under California law.
The purpose of the consultation is to discuss your needs and goals and to evaluate if Dr.Mooney can be helpful.
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