Sentences with phrase «purpose of the experiment»

Typical freelancers, for the purposes of this experiment, are single adults with no children, moderate living expenses and a 1,000 - square foot apartment, «which is a good sized one - bedroom in most cities.»
For the purpose of my experiment:
For the purpose of this experiment, an opinion is defined as rendering judgment upon a person or idea with the intention of advancing my own perspective over all others.
Although I'm trying to avoid commenting too soon about the positions I highlighted last week, (as a retroactive response would sort of defeat the purpose of the experiment), I would like to address why I believe we may share more common ground than we might realize.
Without having a distinct and noticeable advantage to switch hitting, it's difficult to justify the purpose of your experiment.
I did the test by pumping for two full days with each pump - normally, I pump with the Freestyle at home and the Pump in Style at work, but for the purposes of this experiment, I carried them back and forth.
Response bias happens when subjects guess or infer the purpose of an experiment, so they adjust their behaviors or answers - consciously or subconsciously.
Relative to the light, sound waves from the orchestra pit reached observers with a delay that could be regarded as negligible for the purpose of the experiment.
The purpose of this experiment was to find out how big the gender difference was.
When the purpose of the experiment was explained and volunteers were instructed to lie as well as they could, they responded faster.
The purpose of these experiments is to measure the mass flux of the drifting snow and characterize the turbulent boundary layer, which provides data about the spatial and temporal statistics of the «saltation» — i.e., how the snow is carried by the wind.
The purpose of this experiment was to see how the participants reacted to the different kind of nudges, i.e. warning messages and compatibility information provided by the e-commerce website regarding the products they were purchasing.
For the purposes of the experiment, half of the middle schools were randomly assigned to receive the intervention, which was training through the Roots program.
The purpose of the experiment was to compare model responses, the goal was not climate prediction.
For the purpose of their experiment, the researchers implanted phosphorus atoms in a 900 nanometer thick layer of enriched silicon.
The purpose of the experiment was to see how much weight I would gain if I purposely tried to over-eat on a daily basis for six weeks straight.
While normally I don't look at my daily total caloric intake, for the purposes of this experiment, I plan to keep an eye more closely on how much I'm eating.
Such a focus meant they didn't appreciate the purpose of the experiment or what the results showed in terms of the theory.
The purpose of this experiment is to learn about how seeing live performances with their school may affect student understanding of great works of dramatic literature as well as influence their values (particularly tolerance and empathy) and their taste for future cultural consumption (e.g., going to the theater in the future, going to art museums, participating in theater, choir, etc...)
Health professionals studying the progression of untreated syphilis in rural African - American men preyed on these men, most of whom were poor, by misleading them about the purpose of the experiments.
On top of that, Land Rover also recently gave Lyft a fleet of vehicles, along with a $ 25 million investment, for the purposes of experimenting with self - driving vehicle technology in relation to ride - share services.
So, for the purposes of this experiment, let's assume that books are being read through.
My first step will be to try to open one so I can fiddle around for the purposes of my experiment — without risking any of my own cash.
The Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov figured out that the dogs he was studying could be conditioned to associate a stimulus (for the purpose of his experiment, a bell) that had nothing to do with eating, at mealtime, and thus elicit a mealtime - appropriate response (salivating).
After repeating my life affirmations in the mirror 20 times and taking some anti-anxiety meds, I relinquished my PlayStation 4 and took home an Alienware 15 for the purposes of an experiment: to see what it'd be like to switch from PS4 to PC for gaming.
The purpose of the experiment was to study how the bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli) is able to adapt as it encounters higher doses of antibiotics.
For the purpose of this experiment, start with a clean slate: remove all trash from the house day 1 and go about your habits
For the purpose of this experiment, start with a clean slate: remove all trash from the house day 1 and go about your habits normally for seven days.
The purpose of the experiment was to test the efficacy of different ways to communicate the consensus - message (e.g., descriptive text, a pie chart, metaphors etc.).
The purpose of this experiment, I should probably make clear, is not to suggest that you should delete anything in your biography that also happens to describe someone else in your local bar.
The purpose of the experiment was to determine whether professional backgrounds result in cognitive biases and a greater or lesser willingness to agree with others.
For the purpose of this experiment, we're going to just click through all regular installation screens with the default options using a fresh virtual machine.
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