Sentences with phrase «purpose of the gathering»

How can the check - in connect and support the rest of the agenda and the overall purpose of the gathering?
Compensation Committee rather than to management, although representatives of the firm may meet with members of management, including our CEO and executives in our Employee Success (human resources) department, for purposes of gathering information on proposals that management may make to the Compensation Committee.
For instance, any experienced player in the start - up scene can tell you stories of VCs who have taken companies — in which they did not actually intend to invest — through the entire due - diligence process for purposes of gathering intel on one of the company's competitors.
Sounding somewhat impatient for former prime minister Wilfrid Laurier's promise that the 20th century belonged to Canada, the stated purpose of their gathering was to «do something to overcome the growing feeling of unrest in evidence in various parts of the Dominion, to improve economic conditions, and to establish a better understanding and spirit of co-operation between the several Provinces.»
In a formal and carefully measured tone, he reminded us of our obligation to think beyond the celebratory purpose of our gathering and move toward empathy with the victims and their families.
The primary purpose of gathering information is to allow the AAS to link a name and contact information to a user ID or browsing experience.
Internal communications between non-legal employees may be privileged if they are entered into for the dominant purpose of gathering information to enable the company to seek legal advice from counsel.
Depends on the a) original purpose of gathering and extracting metrics for visual display of «big» data..
Jing Daily was started in mid-2009 with the purpose of gathering the latest news about crucial developments and current trends in China's luxury, business, arts, and cultural markets.
Consider the purpose of the gathering, then choose one to three salient points to mention.
It is spent with the purpose of gathering of means for carrying out of subsequent rounds.
But the Uber Ford Fusion Hybrids packed with self - driving sensors that started making the rounds Wednesday are being driven by humans for the purpose of gathering valued road mapping data.
When you say «mutual edification is the purpose of the gathering of the church,» most people hear «mutual edification is the purpose of the church.»
If mutual edification is happening in such mission - oriented actions, then I'm all for saying that mutual edification is the purpose of gathering as believers.
I'm all for such things, but only as part of the purpose of gathering, not as the totality.
Regarding the second statement, he goes on to say that «Scripture indicates to us that «mutual edification» is the purpose of the gathering of the church.»
But theology isn't the end, it's the means; as with a hard science in the laboratory, the purpose of gathering knowledge is to use it as a basis for further work and increased understanding.
This is the purpose of every gathering in a congregation.
You know, if someone read something I wrote - especially if it was about an experience that was painful for me - and then created a poll expressly for the purpose of gathering information to write a post about how wrong and lazy I was, I'd be pretty pissed off.
The purpose of the gathering was for members of the opposition movement to protest the recent arrest of their leaders.
The CBT team will explain to the community the purpose of the gathering, i.e. to determine the parameters of poverty upon which persons can be described as poor and vulnerable within the context of that community.
According to him the purpose of the gathering was to praise his loyal followers and deliberate on the way forward for the party.
But the directors of both venues — the Pucho Olivencia Community Center and the Delavan - Grider Center — said the Nixon campaign representatives who had set up the events had neglected to say that the purpose of the gathering was political rather than merely civic.
«The purpose of this gathering is to get everyone in a room to discuss ideas and paths for a GOP victory in 2018,» the invitation says.
Lead author and Brown graduate student Hetal Marble said targeting gene expression rather than surface proteins for the purpose of gathering cells to make a new tissue is a «paradigm shift» in the following regard: Gene expression provides a way to target any cell based on whether it can produce another tissue, while targeting surface proteins limits researchers to harvesting cells that fit a presumed definition of being a stem cell.
First, formal formative assessment is defined as being planned in advance, designed with the purpose of gathering information from all students in the class at the same time, and intended to move students forward through feedback and / or instructional adjustments.
This is a team made up of educators, administrators, and Wyoming Department of Education professionals created for the purpose of gathering all submitted resources and moving them each through a stringent vetting process to ensure all posted resources are of high quality and aligned to Wyoming State Content Standards.
When teachers use sound instructional practice for the purpose of gathering information on student learning, they are applying this information in a formative way.
The 341 meeting is a required meeting between you, the trustee, and your creditors for the purpose of gathering any additional information that you have not filed.
Binarycent's data collection procedures include the collection of client's freely disclosed information as shared with the company, in addition to the placement of cookies for the purposes of gathering data about the manner in which client's interact with the Binarycent website.
Each mission in the game has you battling a monster, whereas Monster Hunter had missions solely for the purpose of gathering items.
The purpose of this gathering of the sheikhas with the wives of local ambassadors was high culture.
He continued in a serious tone to describe the purpose of the gathering.
Trevor Paglen's series of documents, Seventeen Letters from the Deep State (2011), are photocopies of what appear to be forged US State Department letters authorizing «extraordinary rendition,» the illegal transfer of suspected terrorists outside the bounds of legally protected territories for the purpose of gathering intelligence via torture.
As long as the purpose of the continuing inspection is for the predominant purpose of inquiring or determining the extent of compliance only, and not for the purpose of gathering further evidence of the observed offence, then it remains an inspection.
A Florida deposition is out - of - court oral testimony transcribed in writing for later use in court and for the purposes of gathering evidence in anticipation of trial.
The purpose of the gathering was to run through some «what - ifs,» determine how the firm would be affected, and consider how it would respond.
Mutual legal assistance consists of cooperation between different countries, for the purpose of gathering and exchanging information and requesting and providing assistance in obtaining evidence located in one country, in order to assist in criminal investigations or proceedings in the other.
He goes on to find several other cases in which the Supreme Court appears to rely on passages from Wikipedia, including one in which the court said, «Wikipedia, like all other external aids to construction, like dictionaries etc., is not an authentic source, although the same may be looked at for the purpose of gathering information.»
Recent changes were made to the Land Transfer Tax Act (LTTA) by the provincial government for the purpose of gathering residential housing data and to collect the new Non-Resident Speculation Tax (NRST).
Q7 is quite vague, but reduces to asking «what is the purpose of gathering the data»: if the purpose is «about» individuals, it is PD, but if it is about processes / machines, move on to the next question.
Winco launched this token sale with the purpose of gathering funds for the development of their platform and their token.
As for the idea that the purpose of gathering data is to target ads — well, Cambridge Analytica is scarcely an outlier there, either.
Work well independently or as part of a team for the purposes of gathering and / or presenting information.
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