Sentences with phrase «purpose of the organization»

His views conflict with the core purpose of the organization he worked for.
The primary purpose of this organization shall be to promote the welfare and education of children and youth with gifts, talents, and / or high potential.
From conception, the major purpose of this organization has been to provide continuing education for its members.
The core purpose of any organization is to create and deliver value.
The primary purpose of this organization is to advance pharmaceutical care by providing education, advocacy and support to, or for, pharmacy technicians in all practice settings.
If the functional purpose of the organization is part and parcel with a federal power, such as First Nations governance, then an exemption is made out.
The avowed and actual purpose of these organizations is to reduce barriers to investment and trade, thereby shifting power from national governments to TNCs.
The main purpose of organizations like Equifax is to develop a reference for lenders to use when they need to understand if borrowers are credible or not.
Jack and Dorothy Byrn Fdn grant for «Support of non-profit purpose of organization - Peter Malsin's goldilocks initiative project - informed climate change education»
But generally, if the principal purpose of the organization is to provide entertainment to its members, it is nondeductible.
Understand purpose of the organization's online presence and to harness such online presence to improve on profit making goals of the organization
It is not substantially related to furthering the exempt purpose of the organization.
Instead, First Nations employers are directed to consider the functional purpose of their organization (i.e. its nature, habitual activities and daily operations).
In every piece of training you produce, never forget the core purpose of your organization, what we call the Epic Meaning.
The primary purpose of our organization is to form a network of the nation's leading new menu developers who are involved in multi-unit research and development and to provide education advancing both the individual and the corporation they represent.
«The interconnected leader sees himself or herself as the generator of impulses into an interconnected system to realize the purpose of the organization,» writes the Dalai Lama and van den Muyzenberg, in The Leader's Way.
Life Reimagined President Emilio Pardo says the purpose of his organization was to help participants find opportunities.
They understand that their role is to serve the purpose of the organization, to support the people within the organization and to create value for the all of the organization's stakeholders.
Please note that we do NOT give your personal information, without your consent, to any organization outside of our member companies, for the purpose of that organization marketing their own products or services directly to you.
An organization could only count as religious, the regulation asserted, if «the inculcation of religious values is the purpose of the organization,» if it «primarily employs persons who share the religious tenets of the organization,» and if it «serves primarily persons who share the religious tenets of the organization.»
One of our key criteria for exhibitors is to have advancing God's global mission as the vision and purpose of their organization
What is the purpose of the organization?
The purpose of the organization is to educate women and professional communities about the benefits of placentophagy (placenta ingestion) for postpartum recovery.
The purpose of our organization is to promote awareness of multiple births, participate in research and exchange ideas and information with parents of multiples throughout the state of Texas.
Upon dissolution of the Corporation, any assets remaining after payment of or provision for its debts and liabilities shall, consistent with the purposes of the organization, be paid over to charitable organizations exempt under the provisions of Section 501 (c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code or corresponding provisions of subsequently enacted federal law and whose purposes and objectives promote breastfeeding education and support.
Upon dissolution of the Corporation, TXBC any assets remaining after payment of or provision for its debts and liabilities shall, consistent with the purposes of the organization, be paid over to charitable organizations exempt under the provisions of Section 501 (c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code or corresponding provisions of subsequently enacted federal law and whose purposes and objectives promote breastfeeding education and support.
Higgins said he believes the country still values the purpose of the organization, and by no mean wants to get involved in another war.
The purpose of our organization is to inspire and mobilize sustained political activism through the involvement of the people of Dutchess County, New York, in order to promote progressive agendas at all levels of government.
The purpose of this organization is to inspire and mobilize sustained political activism through the involvement of the people of Dutchess County, New York, in order to promote progressive agendas at all levels of government.
The purpose of this organization is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulate a desire to render service, and encourage good citizenship within our students.
The purpose of the organization is to assist Texas K - 12 school districts in understanding how to plan for the use and successful implementation of information technology in Texas schools and advocate for districts» technology needs to improve student learning.
The purpose of the organization is to promote the improvement of the education and training of educational leaders in the state of Florida through teaching, research, and service.
The purpose of the organization is to promote the improvement of the education of educational leaders through teaching, research, and service within a program of activities including, but not limited to the following:
The purpose of the organization is to assist K - 12 school districts in understanding how to plan for the use and successful implementation of information technology in schools and advocate for districts» technology needs to improve student learning.
The purpose of this organization is to promote public education and improve administrator quality in the state of Alabama.
The purpose of the organization is to meet the needs of students, parents, teachers, administrators and the general public through a professional organization dedicated to the improvement of alternative education and program options.
The purpose of these organizations is to make people fully understand the value of finance and help them consolidate their debt and slowly become debt free.
Originally the purpose of the organization was to «provide a standardized evaluation for hip dysplasia and to serve as a data base for control of hip dysplasia through selective breeding.»
The purpose of this organization is to establish and administer a low - cost spay / neuter program for all companion dogs and cats in Vernon County, Wisconsin and to establish and administer a Trap / Neuter / Vaccinate / Release (TNVR) Program for all barn and feral cats in Vernon County.
Membership eligibility is limited to any person or family who is over eighteen (18) years of age, residing within the territory of SEVA GRREAT, is current with their annual membership dues, is in good standing with local and federal laws pertaining to animals, and subscribes to the purpose of this organization.
ARC has successfully funded the life - saving rescues that are the purpose of this organization.
Promoting or rewarding dogs afflicted with these regrettable conditions is inconsistent with the purpose of our organization.
The purpose of this organization shall be educational and cultural.
The purpose of our organization, according to our constitution is:
The purpose of your organization is not just to double your business or increase leads by 10 %.
It outlined the purpose of the organization and the importance of exhibitions in promoting the growth and acceptance of abstract art in the United States.
Regardless of the size, location or purpose of your organization, your «Contribution» reflects your part of a national effort to step up the fight against climate change.
The purpose of the organization is education and implementation.
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