Sentences with phrase «purpose of worship»

The entire purpose of worship music is to encourage participation and engagement, as the purpose with other music is for entertainment.
A man who lives in the sky created a world of humans for the sole purpose of worshiping him?
In my least sanguine moments, I think that the primary purpose of worship is to force us to be patient with one another, to practice the Christian virtues among our fellow believers.
And, I'm sorry, but YES going to church IS important because we are surrounding ourselves with people with the strict purpose of worshiping of Lord and Savior who IS worthy of our worship — irregardless of how flawed and how seemingly transparent the worship bands, the lights, the cheap emotional ploys are... because the real challenge comes down to our ability to worship God despite our circumstances — despite how bad the pastor is, or despite how off key the worship team is.
We gather in a church for the single purpose of worshipping God, and anything that may distract others from that purpose needs to be removed.
If you have any role in the design of worship, or the choice of music for use in congregational worship, or if you are sleeping with somebody who does, think very seriously about what would it mean for the design of our worship services if we took seriously that one of the major purposes of worship is to become a thin place where our hearts are open.
In fact, saying you should or shouldn't raise your hands, dance, clap or whatever else, goes against what the very purpose of worship is; however, I do hope that we come to a place where we care more about loving, desiring, and worshiping God with all our hearts, minds, souls and strength than we do about anything else.
Some such secondary goods may follow from worship, but if these become the aim and purpose of worship, the worshiper instrumentalizes God to other ends, thus diminishing God to what God is not, the great slot machine in the sky.
The purpose of worship is not to retire from the secular into the department of the religious, let alone to escape from «this world» into «the other world» but to open oneself to the meeting of the Christ in the common, to that which has power to penetrate its superficiality and redeem it from its alienation.
The church came into being not just for the purpose of worship, teaching or fellowship.
«The purpose of a worship leader or a songwriter is to give people language,» he says.
We absolutely need to meet together as believers specifically for the purpose of worship and discipleship.
The temptation to be a community organization is strong and old and contrary to the purposes of a worship community.
I do not wish to denigrate the sermon as an important part of worship, but when the sermon is not only the central intention of worship but may also have lost its power of confronting the worshiper with the gospel, then the purpose of worship is at least seriously obscured.
The third mode is to be seen in those traditions where the purpose of worship has become obscured in the rites of worship.
the purpose of worship including fasting is to please Almighty Allah SWT.
A mosque is a building built for the purpose of worship which will be supported not by rental income but by donations.
In regard to the increasing use of PowerPoint in churches of all shapes and sizes it is worth pondering: What understanding of the purpose of worship does it assume?
But these responses are not the purpose of worship.
Isn't it one of the purposes of worship to help us see aright?
• that liking a certain kind of music for light entertainment is the same as liking that music for all the purposes of worship
If we believe the bible then some omnipitent being created us soley for the purpose of worshipping it... seriously?
The freedom of assembly is another right guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States which Christians have used to defend their right to gather in church buildings and other public areas for the purpose of worship and fellowship.
It's both a book about putting women on pedestals for the purposes of worship and also degrading, molesting and mutilating them.»
Youth Pastors, or Youth Ministers, coordinate time with children and teens for the purposes of worship, education, volunteer work, and community outreach.
Youth Ministers coordinate time with children and teens for the purposes of worship, education, volunteer work, and community outreach.
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