Sentences with phrase «purpose they serve here»

Not exact matches

Our only purpose here is to serve those dealers in the stores, so we just have a different mindset,» says Davis.
The unique thing here is that President Obama decided this was a department whose purpose was serving customers.
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Here's a link to an authoritative source — the Quilliam Foundation was founded by a former Islamic fundamentalist: It says: «We at Quilliam believe the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi was a well planned terrorist attack that would have occurred regardless of the demonstration [about the film], to serve another purpose.
But lots of people here assume that that break serves no educational purpose — like planning for the next 5 months?
Here are buildings constructed by the faithful and the finest artists and architects throughout the centuries, more beautiful than ever but not really serving their highest purpose: the praise of God and the bestowal of grace on men.
Maybe you were born without a soul and you are here on this planet to not believe, and in serving that purpose well, you are doing exactly what you should do.
It serves no useful purpose here to pursue the matter.
Much more promising is the appearance here and there of day - care centers at the parents» workplace, and day care provided by parishes and temples where it serves the triple purpose of providing meaningful work for members of the community (especially older people), meeting a pressing need of the community's young couples, and beginning the religious education of the community's children.
But here any Devil worthy of the name would recognize that such an adolescent charade should not only be permitted but encouraged, as chauvinistic excesses are in wartime, since the cause they can not help but serve is generous enough in scope to bend them to its purpose.
Might the ancient Christian creeds — particularly the Apostle's Creed and the Nicene Creed — serve an important purpose here?
Here, mini served a maxi purpose: There had to be some way to finish up this flour test without dying of boredom.
So the fruit here serves the purpose of providing a little sweetness, fiber, and extra vitamins.
Vegan + Gluten - Free Chocolate Chunk Ginger Cake Recipe Barely adapted from Post Punk Kitchen's Gingerbread Flax Muffins recipe Serves: 6 - 8 Time: 20 minutes active, 1 Hour + 10 minutes total to print the recipe, click here Notes: As I mentioned, I used Zoë + Jeff's GF all purpose flour blend from the book.
A cutting board also serves multiple purposes (are you sensing a theme here?).
Winding Jose up doesn't serve any purpose, but nevertheless here we go again.
I have met many a person who has no idea how to think for themselves or make choices independently without looking for the acceptance of others or wanting to please others (this is going into a whole other topic here)... because of the work I have been doing over the years, it was important to me that my daughter be an independent thinker (as much as it drives me crazy at times right now) and so I put into place a variety of things I felt (from various information pools) would serve that purpose.
«He served a purpose in coming here and that was just one of the ways he affected life on this planet.»
Your condescending manner is aimed at homebirth activists, but is really just proving to lay - people (most significantly, the moms who stumbled here by accident, like myself) that your blog is serving one purpose: to push your own agenda.
It seems that all breast pumps discussed here serve the purpose.
These images are cool, but serve a solid purpose: they provide the engineers and scientists here on Earth evidence of precisely how the hardware performed.
Here we're going to reveal one method which serves this purpose very efficiently.
Call it divine will, call it purpose, call it social action — we're all here to serve in one way or another, and yoga helps to clarify what that is for each of us.
Here, spices serve a more holistic, harmonious purpose.
It doesn't serve a particular purpose here in the bathroom, other than maybe to hold the ipad while my teenager watches a show while taking a bath!
Im worthless to the world If I had a master then I wood several a purpose Itz the only hope I have left I'm here to serve & be told whatever to do But only after I've been punished for my inadequacyz,, u want to communicate on here then make me have no choice, hence I don't have chat...
The best part is that each app listed here serves its own special and unique purpose.
It is social realism as seen by Hieronymus Bosch, and if you are looking for a vision of absolute evil, the absolute repudiation of humanity, there are a couple of scenes here that will serve your purpose well.
Unlike his previous efforts, it feels a bit more like a stunt here — showing off its technical prowess rather than serving any overarching dramatic purpose.
Whereas across earlier films Haneke's predilection for deceit served a high - minded, if still somewhat suspect, intellectual purpose (an interrogation of privilege and meaning in Caché, the deconstruction of genre in both versions of Funny Games, and so on), here his disingenuous approach is not only unwarranted, but is actually at odds with the tone and tenor of the drama.
I'm sure I've seen movies with more extreme language than «Step Brothers,» but here it seems to serve no purpose other than simply to exist.
First are the characters who appear because they were in the first two movies even though they serve no real purpose here.
How many actors would have appreciated this kind of exposure and could have developed a new character serving the same purpose as Ian here?
Here it serves a purpose as philosophical dialogue that refutes Charade «s pull - out - the - guns finale, replacing violent action with a profound pacifist statement: honour among multiple thieves.
Those complications are present here, but they serve a purpose beyond themselves.
Speaking of merchandising tie - ins, Tink's melting pot of fairy friends serve a greater purpose here than they ever have.
Here, a YouTube page can serve the purpose of a flashback: The film opens on grainy, amateur video of a high - school girl, Laura Barns, committing suicide in a public place — a startling opening that evokes Benny's Video (1992).
Don't misunderstand me, there is an underlying comedy here, but it serves more as a form of tension relief than the purpose of the film.
Ultimately, Here On Earth doesn't serve a purpose beyond giving melodramatically susceptible girls in the audience a chance to cry.
It is exciting to see at first but gets repetitive rather quickly and unless you want to keep a high score, it doesn't serve much purpose here.
They are all introduced in a «Ladies and Gentlemen, the cast» moment in an early scene set within Guido's massive set that serves no purpose except to show us how many stars are here.
Flagging blog entries and newspaper mentions in which a scholar is identified by university affiliation here serves a dual purpose: avoiding confusion caused by common names while also ensuring that a scholar's own blogging or letters to the editor won't pad their scores.
(My apologies here for oversimplifying and misidentifying the purpose of rubrics, which is not to serve as checklists based on the numbers of errors.)
Generic information, or theoretical learning serve little purpose here, and are largely time wasters.
Extensive research and experience, both here and abroad, have demonstrated that the use of performance assessments which are locally administered and use multiple sources of evidence offer the opportunity to turn assessment systems to serve their primary purpose — assisting students in learning and teachers in teaching for higher order intellectual skills.
Here are 3 examples from my classroom that have served different purposes.
Here's the hard truth: Just because a school website is live and somewhat functional does not mean it is serving its purpose — or its audience.
The forum served several purposes to those who used it and I'm genuinely shocked at the utter arrogance and «like it or lump it» attitude on display here.
And yet, a lot of people don't know what they are, how to use them, or what purpose they serve, so here's some info.
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