Sentences with phrase «purpose they serve then»

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The purpose we primarily serve is we take our LPs» money, we help pick projects that we think are most likely to result in really big outcomes, and then we help those projects result in really big outcomes.
Facebook, he says, «wants to have its cake and eat it too: it wants to tweak the news - feed in order to promote content that serves its purposes — whether that's news content or baby pictures — but it also wants to pretend that it isn't a gatekeeper, because then media companies might not play ball.
Essentially, a court identifies the purpose of the subject law and then considers whether it serves a legitimate government purpose.
If so, then these needs to be traded on the open stock markets & accepted as payment just as a US Dollar for services, debts and any other purpose that the currency serves as.
If your content doesn't provide readers with value, solve a problem, answer a question, or entertain, then it doesn't really serve a purpose.
If the old gospel has served its purpose and «the spirit is doing a new thing» now, then ecumenism can move in radical new directions.
All it takes is for someone to start a rumor and then never do a thing to correct it or stop it and in fact to foster it wherever it serves the purpose it was started for.
All of this is to say, then, that myth and legend in the Old Testament serve for us a historical purpose: the literature of Genesis informs us in a unique way about the faith of the community of Israel, about what Israel believed.
If my motivations are then to perpetuate a «good» society, what purpose then does the society serve?
If my thoughts can serve to break this tape loop and challenge people to ask new questions, then I have succeeded in my purpose.
But if this life is a probation, a time of testing, then the evil serves a purpose in trying and building our character.
By establishing the family, marriage, in the order of creation, then serves Christ's purpose.
Although your current job may have once seemed like a good idea, if you now feel as though it's not allowing you to serve a higher purpose — to expand God's Kingdom — then you may have found yourself asking, «Is this what I should be doing?»
Morality serves a purpose, and if the Bible leads you to an obvious conclusion that is the only logical one, then so be it, but don't believe it is the source of it.
Phrygian to me i sense that you are struggling with issues in your mind that you cant reconcile and these issues are affecting what you believe in your heart and therefore your faith in God.I had something similar happen to me recently regarding the story of the demon possessed man at one point the demons begged Jesus to cast them into the pigs does that mean that Jesus was implicated with the work of satan.It cast my mind into doubt and then i began to question who God is.I prayed and sort the holy spirit for an answer the answer i got was that Gods character never changes he is always holy righteous and sovereign why else would satan ask for his permission.So the answer was that he allowed satans purpose to prevail so that we can see that satans intention is always to destroy it may well have been that the pigs were his anyway.As they were for the gentile nations who offered the pigs to their demon Gods.Just as satan can not change who he is the destroyer the thief the liar God can not change who he is when we realise that despite what we see going on in the world God is still the same yesterday today and forever.The time is coming when those that have hurt others will be judged for there wickedness as we serve a holy and just God.Just as it was in the times of Noah so it is with this this generation that as the wickedness reachs its zenith then the Lord will return to judge the nations.He is coming again and we need to be ready it is not a time to be caught sleeping.brentnz
if only i could gain «spiritual» strength that would make me «overcome» suffering, then the cross has served its «purpose».
The argument says language was not of benefit in the present time of an evolving hominid thus it served no purpose then only future purpose after develepoment of arts etc. thousands of years later.
Since the purpose of the community is to release its members from the problems inherent in possessions, in sexual and family life and in the detailed and general ordering of one's own life, so to be able to serve God through the prayer and work of the community, then the sense of importance attached to every item of its life can become unbeatable, or totally glorious.
Marriage, then, serves God's purposes to give life.
SO unhealthy, but they served their purpose back then
ingredients SPRING LAMB STEW 2 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 cup all - purpose flour 1 and 1/2 pound lamb shoulder (large dice or cubed) 1/2 teaspoon allspice 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg 1 tablespoon tomato paste 2 cloves garlic (peeled, minced) 1/2 pound shallots (peeled, quartered) 1 pound baby new potatoes 1/2 pound carrots (peeled, large dice) 2 tablespoons fresh oregano 2 cups red wine 2 cups tomato puree 2 cups low - sodium chicken stock 2 bay leaves 1 cup fresh or frozen peas (if fresh, then sucked) 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar 1/2 bunch fresh dill (finely chopped) 1/2 bunch fresh mint (finely chopped) whole milk Greek yogurt (to serve) Kosher salt & freshly ground black pepper (to taste)
The oil would then be serving a dual purpose.
This can serve as an all - purpose response, then.
Clearly had the season of his life last term but if Sir Alex Ferguson is not going to use him as first choice then having an unhappy player in the dressing room will serve no useful purpose.
But it's preseason and that's the thing we should all remember... IF the problems are addressed then it will have served it's purpose.
Unless we believe that NFL executives have reoriented their mental models in way that excludes race as an identifying characteristic then the Rooney Rule still serves a valuable purpose.
So it serves dual purposes both for the children and then for the family's economic security.
If the toy chest is to serve the purpose of containing toys and other children's items, then it is possible to get a very sturdy, quality toy chest made of solid material, like molded plastic.
If this persuades one other person from making a bad choice, then it has served it's purpose.
A baby gate is something that your child will come into contact with frequently and if it doesn't serve its purpose as it should, then it puts your baby at risk.
You can also do a pre-soak of your diapers in a bucket, then add the diapers while soaking wet — this serves the dual purpose of reducing the «biological load» in the wash, and makes the load seem heavier to the machine sensors.
But if you choose the best affordable umbrella stroller for your baby, then you can be sure that the purposes will be served in a better way.
Flanagan, you owe Skelos nothing anymore, get rid of Skelos's people Dunham, Reif, Sorbero, Conway, MacCready Cumminngs, they were all Skelos enablers and serve no purpose any longer other then taking hugh salaries from the taxpayers.
«If it serves the intended purpose of educating and sensitizing others to the health challenges we will all eventually face, then once again, Maurice Hinchey is demonstrating the kind of selfless leadership that has inspired many and made him a hero to his friends, colleagues and constituents,» Cahill said.
When Labour stands proud bragging as the political wing of the union movement then it will serve a purpose.
Hamilton's first, simple movies were broad and cartoonish, but they served their purpose: showing how different kinds of black holes might look as you approached them from the outside and then ventured in.
At first we thought that this was possibly the most useless discovery ever made, but then we realised that the ice could serve at least one beneficial purpose: Eskimos could put it in their drinks to warm them up.
They no longer serve the same purpose that they did, back in the Cold War, as we discussed, and in many ways present more of a danger to the U.S. than not having them, and if we can somehow ensure that everybody else also doesn't have them, then this would be the perfect world.
Second, we would then have to assume that the hymen served the same purpose in horses, whales, moles, hyenas and the many other mammals that have them.
If our personal identity is a story we tell about our bodies and certain brain activities that occur in them, and I think it is, then locating the self at a single point serves a central purpose: It separates the storyteller from the story.
In nature, this serves the purpose of allowing the seeds to pass through the digestive system of an animal intact and then grow into a plant.
If we take care of our gut bacteria (otherwise known as the gut microbiota), then the beneficial bacteria within the colon serve multiple purposes to keep us healthy.
Leg Machines have a purpose, but women and men for that matter would be better served by starting with the big 2 and then adding other exercises to the workout.
If you find that your coffee does not serve any purpose unless it is accompanied by several trimmings, then you are already off the paleo track.
The oil would then be serving a dual purpose.
If you're looking for something in your wardrobe that serves a dual purpose of casual and party then this kurta is an absolute must have.
I just had this, fatal, fixed idea in my mind that if I didn't share updates daily, then my blog would serve no purpose and would be totally useless.
But if I can use it to get some laughs... then it serves a very good purpose.
None of this is meant to scare you, but if it informs you to the realities of life and leads you to take precautions, then this article has served its purpose.
Im worthless to the world If I had a master then I wood several a purpose Itz the only hope I have left I'm here to serve & be told whatever to do But only after I've been punished for my inadequacyz,, u want to communicate on here then make me have no choice, hence I don't have chat...
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