Sentences with phrase «purposes for centuries»

Celery is a marshland variety of Apiaceae plant that has been cultivated for culinary and medicinal purposes for centuries.
This healthy fruit, the pomegranate, has been used for many other medicinal purposes for centuries, but is just now entering the health and beauty market with new and exciting benefits in the area of skin care.
The peel and pulp of the lemon fruit have been used for both culinary and medicinal purposes for centuries.
Ginger has been used for medical purposes for centuries from cultures from all over the glove.
Chicory root has been used for its medicinal purposes for centuries.

Not exact matches

Peter Drucker, arguably the leading management thinker of the twentieth century, observed, «If a new venture does succeed, more often than not it is n a market other than the one it was originally intended to serve, with products and services not quite those with which it had set out that are bought in large part by customers it did not even think of when it started and used for a host of purposes besides the ones for which the products were first designed.»
Sounding somewhat impatient for former prime minister Wilfrid Laurier's promise that the 20th century belonged to Canada, the stated purpose of their gathering was to «do something to overcome the growing feeling of unrest in evidence in various parts of the Dominion, to improve economic conditions, and to establish a better understanding and spirit of co-operation between the several Provinces.»
One taught for centuries by organized religion for the purpose of keeping people bound in a fear based choke hold.
Apologists have been changing the supposedly inerrant word of God for centuries to suit their purpose and that includes your twisted interpretations Theo.
Steven Carr Apologists have been changing the supposedly inerrant word of God for centuries to suit their purpose and that includes your twisted interpretations Theo.
What are the Christian purposes in higher education which can be the mid-20th century equivalent of those which were effective earlier in contributing to humanization of culture and cultural preparation for the gospel of the Christ's new humanity?
Although there is no inherent sectarian bias in the concept of separation, Hamburger demonstrates that separation was used for anti-Catholic purposes in the nineteenth century.
For Jesus» language in all its vigorous overstatement still reflects a sense of divine fury over the failure of the divine purpose to work itself out in the actions of human beings that does not compute with our urbane, 20th - century middle - class liberal Christianity.
Among them in the original Greek is pharmakeia, which is usually translated as «sorcery» but which in the first century a.d. specifically referred to the mixing of potions for illicit purposes, including the prevention of pregnancy.
As the gospel writers make clear, Jesus returned to mountain and desert throughout his ministry for the explicit purpose of prayer.3 Down the centuries — from Desert Fathers to monastic communities to contemporary pilgrims — the wilderness has proved less a place of bewilderment than a setting to get one's spiritual bearings.
At times, it seems that the purpose of listening is simply to occupy the time until Muslims, for example, make the same transitions that Catholics and Protestants did centuries earlier so as to «find themselves increasingly at home in a dynamic, liberal, and capitalist world that is full of many faiths and many cultures.»
The great pagan trial of the twentieth century was nationalism» a movement that originally had a Christian messianic purpose» and it was the most immediate form of paganism against which Rosenzweig battled in, for example, his book Hegel and the State.
«The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries
In the nineteenth century (which for this purpose as for many others ended in 1914).
It refers us for this purpose to a long series of extremely various documents, containing many contradictions and incongruities, subject to the flow of time and change through many centuries of human existence.
Only by proposing such a theological development can we realistically hope to emerge from our present problems, regain that unity of purpose which is so urgently needed and which is a sign of the Spirit and renew the Church in preparation for a new evangelisation of the world in the coming century.
Sixteenth - century Flemish mapmaker Gerardus Mercator himself often used equal - area projections when he made maps for geographical purposes.
His message was primarily about God, not himself, and his purpose was to address a crisis in first - century Judaism and to steer religion back onto the road that would lead to peace, justice and freedom for all the nations of the earth.
To concern oneself with the resurrection hope simply for the purpose of grasping hold of what seems to be a viable approach to personal immortality does not, however, do full justice to this first - century doctrine.
In the following centuries there was very little change in the Christian doctrine of Last Things except the emergence of the concept of Purgatory, an intermediate place where souls were thought to undergo suffering for a cleansing or atoning purpose.
This condition is one factor behind the steady decay of purpose and the decline in identity among mainline denominations: The second volume of the United Methodist Church's «Into Our Third Century» series argues that the denomination's most pressing need as it approaches its bicentennial in 1984 is «to develop a clear sense of purpose and identity for its life and work.»
The eleventh - century Hindu theologian Ramanuja defined a body as any substance or actuality «which a sentient soul is capable of controlling and supporting for its own purposes, and which stands to that soul in an entirely subordinate relation.»
A common feature of U.S. foreign policy for more than a century has been the use of elections for undemocratic purposes.
They are living structures with boundaries built up over the course of sometimes many centuries for the purpose of encoding, storing, retrieving, and transmitting to the next generation a very important kind of information.
Twenty centuries witness to the effectiveness of such worship in changing men's lives for the better, in bringing release from guilt and freedom from fear, in giving direction and purpose to their striving, and in lifting them out of neurotic self - concern into healthful and creative relationships to their fellows.
The flame I saw ignited in the 70s and 80s for the purpose of Spirit - filled, simple living needs to be rekindled for a 21st - century generation.
For our immediate purposes, it may be helpful to oversimplify a great deal by reducing to just three broad categories the ideological contenders for the soul of the American university over the past century and a quartFor our immediate purposes, it may be helpful to oversimplify a great deal by reducing to just three broad categories the ideological contenders for the soul of the American university over the past century and a quartfor the soul of the American university over the past century and a quarter.
Saint John of the Cross, a Spanish mystic who flourished — or rather who existed, for there was little that suggested flourishing about him — in the sixteenth century, will supply a passage suitable for our purpose.
Drawing on his experience of nearly a half century of ministry — much of it connected with retreats — Raines gives a rationale for the offering of retreat experiences to clergy for purposes of sanctuary, nourishment, study, silence, healing and encouragement.
The Confederate battle flag, a potent symbol of racism since the mid-twentieth century, had hardly been used at all for such purposes before World War II, when the Klan started using it.
Miller registers «two major reservations» about the reading habits of this man who consumed staggering numbers of books: «Fosdick read too lightly in twentieth - century imaginative literature, and too frequently he rifled meretricious stuff for homiletical purposes.
Beginning primarily with the missionary activities of the Portuguese in India in the late 15th and early 16th centuries, Christian converts became for all practical purposes outcastes, cut off from caste and community.
The RE syllabus is too often dictated by the needs of public examinations, but even within this some fine work could be done, and the Faith communicated for what it is: essential knowledge, rich and deep, that opens wide the whole of life's meaning and purpose and sets it in the context of centuries of God's revelation and 2,000 years of Church history that is thrilling to discover.
What we want is a group so devoted to this purpose and so tightly organized that it can work as effectively for redemptive ends in our time as the first Christians worked for redemptive ends in the first century of our era and as the Nazis have worked for divisive ends in the first century of their would - be era.
Limes have been used for centuries for their medicinal purposes.
Spices have been used for centuries, for many purposes, such as medicine, religious rituals, cosmetics, perfumery, or eating them as vegetables like garlic for example
Face facts, Ken, the man is totally unfit for purpose to manage at top level in the 21st century, with so many more modern thinking and modern method managers as his main rivals.
Our modest sports hall that has served us so well for half a century is no longer fit for purpose, let alone fit for the excellence to which Oxford aspires across the board.
«The trial of Charlie Alliston last year highlighted that there is a gap in the law concerning death caused by careless or dangerous cycling, and we recognise that the outdated law used to convict Alliston was not fit for purpose in the 21st century.
The notion of a Mom happily taking care of the kids and house all day * by herself * is a nutty 20th Century notion that seems to have been invented for the sole purpose of making women feel guilty.
We believe the 8th is incompatible with a 21st century maternity service that is fit for purpose.
We feel that women's healthcare and a 21st century maternity service fit for purpose are not served by the presence of the 8th amendment's continued presence in the Irish constitution.»
The broader problem has to do with the rulers» effort to control the public display of emotion, especially by women and elites in the 5th century, and to enlist burial for public purposes.
This system, which is the best we have of the global institutions, proved itself unfit for 21st century purpose.
However, they do believe they have a right to relationship and sexual education that is fit for purpose and relevant to the 21st century.
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