Sentences with phrase «pursue greater capabilities»

Thinking about a classroom as an organization can help educators pursue greater capabilities.

Not exact matches

While stressing that more work is needed, he expressed his personal view that «the potential exists to have greater capability for the WFIRST science, enable additional scientific opportunities, match or reduce cost, and improve schedule, and that this possibility should be pursued as vigorously as possible by the astronomical community.»
This will require pursuing all development and certification work beyond the Commercial Crew Integrated Capability (CCiCap) base period through Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)-- based contracts; making strategic decisions about the number of industry partners to retain in the certification phase; and finding ways to incentivize greater private investment by industry partners in order to reduce the government's financial obligations for the program.
Those of us in positions of situational authority need to pay serious attention to how our agencies can generate greater policy innovation at the start of the policy cycle while, at the other end, pursuing administrative innovation to improve our delivery capabilities.
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