Sentences with phrase «push abortion law»

The Women's Equality Party grew out of a desire by Democrats to push abortion law changes as part of a 10 - plank package of women's bills Cuomo unveiled in 2013.
The Women's Equality Party is being formed by Democrats who back Cuomo and want to push abortion law changes as part of a 10 - point package of bills Cuomo unveiled in 2013.

Not exact matches

They tend to propose that if you write a law saying, «No abortions after 22 weeks», that one day someone will use that to push the law back to simply say «No abortions».
Maybe he is saying that those who truly believe abortion is wrong should do less to make themselves feel good (pushing for anti-abortion laws that just drive abortion underground) and more to actually decrease abortion (push to make birth control more available and to improve the economic situation of the poor).
And when it comes to immunizing such «choices» from legal restriction or even private remonstration, the Court's liberals can be counted upon to flip on the switch of what Justice Antonin Scalia, writing in dissent, describes as «the ad hoc nullification machine that [is] set in motion to push aside whatever doctrines of constitutional law stand in the way of the highly favored practice of abortion
The push would reignite a heated debate over the RHA, a measure that is aimed at the codification of Roe v. Wade in state law and is deeply opposed by opponents of abortion, who have argued it's a needless expansion of existing rights in New York.
Cuomo and the state Democratic Committee he heads began a major social media campaign Tuesday aimed at voters statewide pushing for Cuomo's proposed strengthening of laws regarding sexual harassment and abortion.
Cuomo has this year once again pushed a package of measures aimed at women's rights, including strengthening the state's abortion laws and combating sexual harassment in the workplace.
There's three weeks to go in the legislative session, and advocates are pushing hard for two of Gov. Andrew Cuomo's agenda items — translating the federal abortion rights in the Roe v. Wade decision into New York state law, and enacting public financing of statewide political campaigns.
The 10th point of the Women's Equality Act, pushed for by Governor Cuomo, would change New York law to open the doors for non-doctors to perform abortions, and to allow abortions in the third trimester for any reason.
The move appeared to be an effort to highlight a rift in the push for the full agenda, which includes a controversial bill aimed at strengthening the state's abortion laws.
But Cox sought to turn the argument back by knocking Cuomo's push to enhance abortion laws, which he said in the statement would «expand late - term abortions» in the state.
«The truth is, also, the Senate has been a problem on many of these issues,» Cuomo said, after promising to push for a higher minimum wage, public campaign finance and changes to state abortion laws.
Advocates for abortion rights, too, criticized Jung's stance on the issue, which in recent years come to the forefront of both Democratic electoral politics and policy in Albany after Gov. Andrew Cuomo pushed for a codification of the Roe v. Wade decision in state law.
The governor rehashed his first - term accomplishments and promised to push for a women's equality agenda (complete with abortion law changes), public campaign finance and the Dream Act, which extends tuition assistance ot undocumented immigrants.
«We will see lots of copycat laws of the federal abortion ban, and the envelope will be pushed and expanded to include a longer list of banned procedures,» says Roger Evans, senior director for public policy, litigation and law at Planned Parenthood Federation of America in New York City.
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