Sentences with phrase «push for corporate profits»

A survey of academics and business insiders agrees, the short - term push for corporate profits is one of our biggest barriers to environmental sustainability.

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After fighting entrenched deflation for decades, Japan may be turning the tide, as falling unemployment pushes up wages, adding momentum to a recovery in consumer demand that could help lift economic growth, corporate profits, and stocks.
Record low unemployment rates are pushing up salaries, which could catalyze consumer spending, a welcome boost for corporate profits, equities, and economic growth.
«Zinke's «review» is clearly a pretext to push the sage grouse to extinction in return for short - term profits for his corporate buddies.
See the new video below, starring Karran Harper Royal, one of PAA's founders, about how ALEC is pushing substandard virtual learning in state legislatures throughout the country, in order to reap huge corporate profits for the privateers and defraud our kids.
The governors and school officers who pushed the Initiative think that standardizing the curriculum provides «a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn...» Corporate interests also think it's a good thing, but for a different reason: It standardizes the education market, thereby significantly upping profit potential.
Despite the reluctance of school administrators to speak up and push back against this ludicrous accountability exercise that has been promoted by politicians and corporate education reformers who have many self - interested reasons for maintaining this misguided testing endeavor, it is well - known that the «standardized» testing mandate only serves to continue the false narrative of failing American public education in order to drive the profit - making agenda of those who seek to privatize education and undermine the public trust.
The push for natural gas is the perfect solution from the corporate perspective: they are willing to sacrifice the coal industry to keep the profits running.
Pricing pressures also affected profits: several senior corporate partners or firm managers noted increased competition for underwriting work, resulting in lower fees last year; and push back on rates continued to be a concern in many practice areas, especially litigation.
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