Sentences with phrase «push past feeling»

So if you find yourself feeling like this too often, for too long, it's worth making that extra, intentional, effort to push past feeling like you've got nothing to say.
So how do you push past that feeling.
In those moments, I had friends and family and a wonderful partner, say things to me that either helped me push past those feelings of uncomfortableness, or recognize that those feelings were valid.
We need to push past those feelings and the myths that go with them, so we can move forward to the next job and the next step in our careers.

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Every entrepreneur needs that intense, driving or overmastering feeling of conviction about his or her idea to push it past the idea phase.
Iceland could be pushed harder, quicker, before the public could have a chance to make their feelings known, and I would not put that past the current US administration.»
Precisely how can occasions that have perished and things of value that have been pushed into an apparently irrecoverable past still be felt in the present?
Most should be sold off or go I feel we gave build a great club on quick sand Over the past 10 years The old board sold us out and took the money and ran The new board just keep taking the money Problem is when aw does to leave or get pushed we still have people at the top who do nt seem to care for us Things and personnel are being put in place now but the damage is done I soooo fear from us as we are slipping from top 4 to top 7 I look at pool and feel a bit envious They were so far behind us a few seasons ago and now they seem a long wsy in front for now They willingly or unwillingly got a defender they needed and we got sweet fa Up the gooners We are arsenal till we die
So the next time you're in the weight room and you feel something nagging at you, or you notice some small ache that won't go away, don't just continue to push past it.
If I'm working on a project and I start to feel distracted, I try not to push past that.
Wanting desperately to feel better, I pushed past my natural laziness and followed their suggestion.
When you workout, you have to push yourself past the uncomfortable feelings of tiredness.
At No Excuses it is our goal for each athlete to feel capable of pursuing any endeavor in life, whether physical, mental or spiritual because of the confidence gained from pushing past your preconceived limits on a regular basis during training.
I felt proud because I pushed my body past its comfort zone.
I would feel this way too, if only the temperatures would push past 50!!!
I do know I like to take time to do some thinking but now I really feel I need to push past that to do some action.
The workouts really encourage me to push past my limits and I already feel so much stronger!
Regardless of what it means to try something new for you, give it a shot and push past your own boundaries, the discomfort will open new feelings and opportunities where you might even discover a side of yourself you didn't know existed.
The result is a sad suburban pastoral, a strain of film you don't see much of, or not enough; it may feel somewhat stretched, and Rush's additions to Carver barely push it past ninety minutes, but anything hectic or hasty would have spoiled the mood.
«It also feels a little bloated, pushing past the two - hour mark after peaking in the second act.
But both actors fully commit to this lunatic scenario, even investing it with a little emotional gravity; at times, it feels like writer - directors Dan Kwan and Daniel Scheinert are daring viewers to push past the gross - out humor and get invested, too.
«Teachers are at breaking point» urges The Guardian in a recent report, «it's time to push wellbeing up the agenda» in a climate where over 30 % of teachers feel stressed because of work most, if not all of the time and a staggering 53 % had considered leaving the sector within the past two years because of health pressures.
The car feels taught and controlled, with high grip levels and a front end that does its best to hold on before the car's weight pushes it past the apex.
«It already feels quite nice, I'm not pushing it past the point of understeer,» Block says as he laps the prototype.
Roxy will not be bullied or physically pushed or corrected — this results in a very defensive reaction and I feel that in her past, she has probably been pushed around too much.
But the key here is that you must start pushing your limits, pushing you comfort zone, surfing perhaps a little bigger waves than you have in the past, trying a new surf spot or two to feel the rhythm of the ocean at a different surf location, and attempt more aggressive maneuvers closer to the pocket.
You'll get a feel for this area's bustling maritime past, sidle down alleyways once home to the feared larrikins of the «Rocks Push», and discover more about the way people lived in the times of the early colony.
- Link doesn't have much of a character in this game - they wanted players to relate to Link and play as themselves - Link's face doesn't have much expression in this game, and that was done on purpose - for Zelda games, the devs always try to make the player feel like Link - that was pushed even moreso for this entry - everytime a Zelda releases, Aonuma watches fan feedback and considers that for the future - the items Link uses to solve are always going to be important - regardless of the tech that Nintendo provides, exploration in the series is important - Link's growth through who he meets is also an important element of the franchise - Aonuma thought about Zelda freedom when considering Breath of the Wild, and was brought back to the days of the original Zelda - this was a big point of inspiration for Breath of the Wild - with Ocarina of Time 3D, Nintendo wanted to really utilize the 3D and had a desire to let players enjoy Ocarina of Time outside - the goal with A Link to the Past was creating more depth - Aonuma used to think that getting lost in a 3D world wasn't okay - this lead Aonuma to putting in tons of hints and guiding players - he has since changed that idea and convinced himself that it's okay to get lost - the first two years of development the devs created a game where just running around was fun - climbing is very important, because players can climb high and see destinations they want to visit - you can place your own markers to decide where you want to go - when the devs create a Zelda title, they consider not using the name Link - since they don't have anything else to go with, they choose Link - the name Link doesn't hold much value, since the player is the one creating the journey - when Nintendo first created Link, they wanted a character that is literally the link between people - that is why his name is Link - to think that the Zelda series has been around so long that there are all sorts of urban legends and myths makes Miyamoto really happy
Eventually though, I feel the big publishers will once again, push too much poo, too far, and bring the whole house down just as suddenly and shockingly as they did in the past, and the only people left will be the ones who really, really love making games, the kind of games they want to play, and the people who buy them will be the same kind of people (And im sure more like me, so in fact, many of the exact same people) who were attracted to gaming back in the beginning decades.
Level design is really quite impressive and while it may seem unfair at moments, multiple attempts to push past an area will usually be met my success and a feeling of accomplishment.
Looking back, it felt like you were pushing past endless fronds in thick jungle.
Players will drift, trade paint and push past opponents with ease, and races always feel fast and frantic.
While Infinite's gameplay pushes the series forward, the game's presentation feels stuck in the past.
Pushed back a few times and I feel the game lost a few hype after the past months.
In Rearmed I felt pushed and challenged at every corner, quite frequently more than I would have liked, and at times I laughed at my persistence in trying to get through what I thought was the intended level design only to find I'd just spent the past 20 minutes attempting to get to an impossible to reach secret 1up alcove.
«It feels like there's been a big push over the past 10 years into bridging the gap between sound installations and the world of electronic music,» says Hawtin, highlighting festivals such as Montreal's Mutek or Barcelona's Sonar, which have more in common with the art world than the rave circuit, as well as recording artists such as Germany's Carsten Nicolai, who rose out the European techno scene, but is now more commonly heard in a gallery setting.
THE PROJECT I've had reservations in the past about works by Daniel Joseph Martinez; they felt like exercises in self - gratification and self — promotion ostensibly designed to push social...
THE PROJECT I've had reservations in the past about works by Daniel Joseph Martinez; they felt like exercises in self - gratification and self - promotion ostensibly designed to push social...
In the early going especially, the script feels rushed, as if Benson is in a hurry to get past establishing the character and push on toward the commune.
Eggers» book pushes past satire into dark farce, where the story's hyperbole feels more like a gag than a coherent warning about the future.
«Considering how much the Bitcoin Core development team has done for us in the past year, I feel that pushing them aside by forking is an insult to their expertise: They consider a hard fork too dangerous right now,» De Vries said.
It certainly feels like Microsoft is pushing the idea of its covers as a second surface for interaction with a tablet (think Courier), and it's something that some other device makers have tried in the past, but nobody has really conquered.
If Google could manage to push the update out to a majority of the recent flagship Android devices within the next 90 days, it could be a major pick - me - up for Android users who have felt slighted by fragmentation in the past.
Others at this price point might be pushing forward with metal - bodied designs, HTC's plastic still looks and feels good — even if it hasn't changed all that much over the past couple of years.
That physical therapist will push the patient past what feels good but not as far as injury.
You'll be empowered to communicate your feelings, while challenging yourself to push past self - destructive beliefs.
Your desire to slow down suggests one of two things to me — either you really do need some more time and space to sort out what you're feeling, or you need to work harder to push past your own fear of, as you put it, «getting burnt.»
As the Competition Bureau of Canada continues to push for more changes in the competitive nature, or agency nature, of Professional Real Estate, I feel that the unanswered questions of the past still need to be answered.
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