Sentences with phrase «pushed by religious people»

Matt wrote,» Intelligent design is pushed by religious people, but it was discovered by scientists.

Not exact matches

Young people are being pushed away from the Church by the religious morons who claim to be trying to save Christianity.
But I suppose that, to a religious person who's been indoctrinated to believe their ideology is the only true one and has been brainwashed into thinking that it's their obligation to «save» others by bringing them into their way of thinking, somebody standing up to that might seem like that person is pushing their beliefs on them, but they'd still be wrong.
Unfortunately all religious people, regardless of their religion, are obsessed with pushing their beliefs on others by any means necessary.
«We support an executive order making clear that people of religious conviction will not be pushed aside by the federal government as we seek to serve our neighbors, including those who disagree with us.»
I, for one, feel that the recent court actions upholding a ban on student - conducted, voluntary religious meetings on school property before or after regular class hours serve unnecessarily to arouse animosity and motivate people to tamper with the Constitution by pushing for a prayer amendment.
Many people came to America because they didn't want to be pushed around by the religious establishment.
that their religion is flawed somehow... and when questioned why they try to push their ideas on everybody else, they get frustrated and say that it's the Religious ones that push their ideas on people... NOT THEM... That's funny because i have about 1000 comments on this thread that state the opposite... Atheist's i see on this post appear to fall into that category of people that need to try and convince others to believe what they do because they're not sure in their own beliefs... They know that believing in the big bang theory or other similar theories takes as much faith as any religion has to offer... and when pinned down to the facts that By the laws of physics... the big bang couldn't happen....
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