Sentences with phrase «pushed into a wider position»

Not exact matches

A lot of the time Ozil has been misused anyway, particularly when he's been pushed into attacking from wide positions when he's not that pacey.
As you push stroller, take a large step out with right leg into a wide / sumo squat position, squat, then step left foot into right.
Get into a push - up position with your feet wide for better support and grab a dumbbell in each hand.
CHEST CHAIR PUSH - UP - get into a push - up position and place hands on edge of sturdy chair, slightly wider than shoulder - width apPUSH - UP - get into a push - up position and place hands on edge of sturdy chair, slightly wider than shoulder - width appush - up position and place hands on edge of sturdy chair, slightly wider than shoulder - width apart.
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up and then do 5 plank jacks by jumping feet both out at the same time to wide legs and then back in to center.
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