Sentences with phrase «pushing force»

How does one go about applying specifically 180 N of push force?
With this real grip the wrists can be held extended and rigid allowing a more direct pushing force at the chest.
And pushing this force forward are ruthless «capitalists».
The Department of Work and Pensions was catapulted from ignoring online services completely (as it did from 1999 - 2010) into embracing digital by default as an integral part of the Universal Credit change, a huge benefits and tax credit re-integration push forced through by the former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith.
An arm turns horizontally from a central hub, and if a person lies on the arm with his head toward the pivot point, the outward - pushing force translates into a downward push from the head toward the feet that challenges the heart, muscles, and bones much as standing on Earth does.
If there is a unifying theme here, Turner said, it's direction — an inward, imploding, or contracting force, rather than the outward - pushing force typically defined as pressure.
Newcomers should think twice about pushing the force feedback settings to the maximum though, as it takes a lot of time just to get used to how much one has to compensate when making simple turns on a racing wheel as opposed to a controller.
Embracing of clay's fragility, intuition and chance are pushing forces in Steven's process, combining random elements until they have a lingering feeling of necessity.
Please welcome — Sonal Gupta (the thinking mind behind the concept), Shailja Tomar Gonsalvez (the push force behind all of us), Sarika, Apsara, Swati, Suchitra, Parvathy!
«Sal, we got it done because we proposed a millionaire's tax,» the mayor said, arguing that his push forced the issue and secured the funding, the bottom line.
Rather than producing a pushing force, it generates a resisting force that can slow down the microtubules» motion.
«Within this simple system, we have both a pushing force and a resisting force, and the question is — how do these forces add up to move the microtubules at the proper rate?»
Our goal is to determine if epithelial cells migrate passively because of the pushing force generated by cell division in the crypts, actively using specialized cellular protrusions or if they are transported by underlying fibroblasts and basement membrane (BM).
That pushing force is then lost (in fact, the downforce from the weight may even reduce the energy - absorbing effects of your running shoes over time as the soles get more and more compressed from the lifting).
, you're not going to lose nearly as much of that pushing force and you'll be able to move more weight.
-- Will the pull force of in - demand areas (climate, jobs, etc.) outpace the push force of marginal rising costs?
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