Sentences with phrase «put classroom visits»

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This might mean doing things like visiting the classroom and seeing what it looks like and meeting with the teacher in a situation where she's not immediately put in a position to answer questions or speak.
«I will be raising the praise with staff, visiting their classrooms more, and providing special treats — putting little gifts in their mailboxes, taking them to lunch on their birthdays, and giving the gift of time.
It's the job of the education team to make this as easy and effective as possible on school trips because as one teacher on a recent self - led visit put it: «To actually run around in a castle and hear the noises that are made, to touch the walls, to feel everything — you just can not put that learning into a classroom, it's impossible.»
«One principal had a sign that said «Out Learning» that he would put on his door when visiting classrooms,» Dr. Alvy noted.
The writer Paul Tough has put himself in the thick of that discussion for a decade, unpacking research, visiting schools that were early leaders in the social - emotional learning movement, and studying firsthand the debates around the development and measurement of non-cognitive skills in the classroom...
Put a bird feeder outside the classroom window and record animals visiting.
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