Sentences with phrase «put forth because»

«This is the most significant reform proposal that this school district has ever put forth because it is... far - reaching,» Villaraigosa said in an interview.
The Board of Legislators approved expenditures that my administration put forth because they too believe in the future we are creating.
I've put it forth because it is very clear in scripture that Peter and the other disciples were eternally saved BEFORE they understood the crosswork of Christ and His resurrection.
The people did not get the vision that leadership put forth because it was fake, and not a natural result of their faith walk.
«We weren't so keen on the merit pay system the state was putting forth because we felt like it advanced the idea of competition between teachers, it wasn't necessarily going to be productive for students and it would encourage students to not share best practices and not cooperate in improving student outcomes,» Dawn told StateImpact.

Not exact matches

As the day flies by, you realize you're behind, or you are on schedule only because you haven't put forth your best effort in hopes of completion.
Bob explained that weak opinions are problematic because people aren't inspired to develop the best arguments possible for them, or to put forth the energy required to test them.
However, Obama said that «just because we put forth a new rule doesn't mean that it will become law.
Passive income is a great revenue source because it allows you to add on to your existing salary without putting forth much effort.
I've only voted for independents and democrats, because the GOP never puts forth a candidate that meets more of my values.
@ David By definition, Michael isn't actually a troll, since all of his arguments are logic - based arguments and pretty reasonable considering his standpoint, unlike the gross logical fallacies put forth by Cecilia Davidson (ULTIMATE ABILITY: you're wrong about everything because you're a bigot.
Because they are putting forth a prerequisite, a law of sorts to be met, before they give their «love».
To attack a proposal as supposedly being wrong simply because it is spoken by Someone the Speaker does not like is argumentum ad hominem, is logically invalid, and strongly suggests said Speaker has no real way discrediting the * ideas * put forth in said proposal.
If We are to «Go G - dless» as the graphic suggests just because a few Fools abuse religion, then by the same logic We should also abstain from alcohol just because a few Fools drive drunk, abstain from communicating just because a few Fools put forth unsound argument, and abstain from eating just because a few Fools eat too much.
Hence, atheism can be a religion because it 1) has a belief, 2) puts that belief forth dogmatically, and 3) the belief centers around a religious figure: a god.
I don't call myself «Christian» anymore, because I definitely don't believe most of the basic tenets of the church that have been put forth for two thousand years from the time of the early church fathers, through the development of the Eastern Orthodox patriarchs, and that have been kept by both Roman Catholic and Protestant churches.
«Agnostics get it, they don't claim Universal knowledge, they put forth opinions because both non believers and believers can only claim to believe not know if there is a God or not.»
People are tortured because of the arbitrary and obviously unclear rules that your god puts forth.
Any laws created and any limitations put forth only hurt the law abiding citizens, because they are the only ones that obey the law.
But this sense of the matter has taken hold precisely because the media and the public have absorbed the understanding put forth by the courts of the rights and wrongs of these matters.
I am speaking generally, of course, but I think Christian women wrestle with these questions most of all, perhaps because in a religious culture that often puts forth narrow and contested definitions of womanhood, young women whose interests and personalities might lead them away from the list of acceptable rules and roles are subtly punished for not exhibiting a more «gentle and quiet spirit,» for not reigning in some of that ambition and drive.
No Eric, they aren't aware that there are precedents to the OT or NT because their ignorance and fear is a tool that the priest - perverts use to keep people cowed and repeating the absurdities they put forth.
Perhaps I might never understand because instead of trying to put forth some cogent line of thought you keep resorting to childish insults.
Because of that principle, the «ontological,» Whitehead had to put forth the concept of an actual entity that would account for the mediation between eternal objects and actual entities.
In fact that Bible puts forth a Savior because you can not save yourself.
I'd also like to put forth a blanket statement of thanks for all the great comments here, because it would take to long to reply to each one.
Did you know that the chief rabbi of Rome Anton Zeller converted to catholisizam because of the tremendous effort put forth by pope pius 12 did in ww2.
I can't say, because I haven't felt like putting forth the effort.
But then again, that might be because I also put forth a no snacking / grazing rule for myself, cutting back on my daily calorie intake by the same token.
I think I resisted it a bit because I felt like I made a huge effort this holiday to simplify, and every time I put forth the effort it backfired on me.
I did get to talk about John - Dylan's scholarship, and I told [the audience] to look around because I know in their lunchrooms there is someone who is putting forth that extra effort, trying to do something for the whole community.
This can cause tremendous frustration for learning disabled students because of the effort they must put forth to get their work done.
He's always been good at being respectful to us, but this week he seemed to put forth extra effort because he truly wanted to improve, not because we wanted him to improve.
Because of reproductive and medical technology, one can put forth examples of all kinds of exceptions that violate the dictionary definition but produce individuals that would still be considered twins.
It seems that most deductions are regressive, as the wealthy have greater opportunity to take advantage of them, both because they have more money to put into buying a home, donating to charities, saving in a 401k, and so forth; and because they can afford a tax professional to maximize their deductions and minimize their tax burden.
Because every year they oppose a bill that legislators put forth in the Assembly to force them to reveal how much they're paying for premiums.
«I'm fairly confident when they hear from the people of Erie County, they're going to change their tune because they're going to realize the majority of people in Erie Count, y including people that live in their districts, even Republican, rural districts, support the proposal that we'll be putting forth
But that's not always a bad thing, because I put forth concrete proposals,» Walters told the Rockland County Times in a recent interview.
We have had enough... you lead the polls only because of the other terrible options the TEAPublicans put forth!
He also said, «I believe that the Tier VI proposal put forth is the basis for the future because it provides a compromise that recognizes the worth of our public employees, and the needs of our taxpayers.
«If they don't show up it's because they don't have anything to say to refute the arguments that my colleagues and myself have put forth,» Quinn told the paper.
The governor's office declined to discuss its plan, or that put forth by the GOP, because budget negotiations are ongoing.
But the city's proposal has sparked skepticism — stoked by Uber — because it resembles one put forth by the yellow taxi industry, and because anything the de Blasio administration does that helps yellow taxis (no matter how earnestly intentioned) requires the following footnote: the industry donated prolifically to his mayoral campaign even as he parroted their rhetoric on everything from borough taxis to the Taxi of Tomorrow.
I didn't bring this up in the context of the centennial Holocene or longer term LGM climate changes because nobody has yet put forth a viable mechanism accounting for such climate changes in terms of internally generated variability.
Revisiting Gattaca at this time is important precisely because it coincides with the emergence of new genetic technologies that are making a then - futuristic vision put forth two decades ago more a matter of science than fiction.
While maintaining a better mood is clearly a favorable thing, it also helps out in terms of your muscle building results because the better your mood is, the higher your motivation tends to be, which then means more effort put forth in the gym.
It was pretty groundbreaking stuff at the time, because rather than the prevailing, societally accepted view, which believed that man was at the apex of all things, Darwin put forth this idea that each species followed its own independent course of evolution, but with repeating structures and patterns, common solutions to biological problems appearing again and again.
This year is a bit different, maybe because I am getting older or something - BUT the whole night scene: dancing, singing and putting my hands around strangers as we swag back and forth singing Auld Lang Sync just doesn't sound like my kind of thing, instead this year I am keeping things a bit low key and having a nice fancy dinner with friends, followed by great conversation and wine, of course - as we countdown with Ryan Seacrest and Carson Daly on TV.
I can understand that but I also think it's a doubled standard because the women that have written to me seem to think that they need not put forth too much effort at all.
Leading psychologist and counsellor Rebekah Doweyko recommends «presenting yourself authentically» not least because «it is much easier than putting forth the energy required to pretend.»
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