Sentences with phrase «put in a bubble»

There are so many hazardous things in this world that our children can and may come into contact, and yes we can shield them from a large portion of it, but putting them in a bubble is not the solution to keeping them safe -LCB- I couldn't find one large enough for the both of them anyway -RCB-.
For some reason my kids do not like their bath water colored but they loved it the night I put in bubble bath (which I never do) and light sticks and we had an outer space bath.
I put her in a bubble, admittedly.
Don't put me in a bubble.
I put myself in a bubble.
It can put you in a bubble of negative energy if you let it.
Of course, the visual effects team put in some bubbles, and fish swimming, and all that kind of stuff to sell it.
No, don't put it in a bubble, grab a case and keep it safe from drops, bumps, scratches, and other...
We don't put you in a bubble by promising magical solutions and make you pay extravagantly for it.
Heck, even falling in a pit only puts you in a bubble!
What's more, even when you DO get hit, you merely get put in a bubble and taken back a short distance.
Even apps like the phone dialer, Messenger and Gmail have been put in a bubble.
«With the popularity of online searching and social media, it's far too easy to put ourselves in a bubble and forget the human factor,» says the team in an email to REM.

Not exact matches

But when it comes to the idea of putting technocrats in charge of asset - price bubbles, Morneau is no different than his immediate predecessors.
The fact is, says Vitaliy Katsenelson, director of research at Investment Management Associates in Denver, Colo., and a prominent China skeptic, China's frantic building boom over the past five years not only boosted GDP on paper and put millions to work but also produced a property bubble where neither investors nor developers are likely to ever recover their costs.
The chart below from Shane Oliver, chief economist and chief investment officer at AMP Capital, puts Bitcoin in historic perspective with other major asset bubbles.
But for fun I'll put a few anecdotal sign posts that suggest we are in a bubble.
Royal Bank of Canada put out a report in July that argued the booming condo market «does not imply a bubble
Reading «Disrupted» strictly as a memoir of career transition — rather than as some sort of exposé of life at HubSpot or life «in the startup bubble,» as the title provocatively puts it — will open your eyes to many of of the book's finer points.
We stopped feeling sorry for ourselves after realizing we could make just as much money buying puts, shorting stocks, and investing in the real estate bubble.
Behind Germany and ahead of some of the oil producers, it runs the largest current account surplus in the world, which means that it is exporting its excess savings in a world that has nowhere to put the money, and so the world must respond either with speculative asset bubbles, unproductive investment, debt - fueled consumption binges or unemployment.
We can argue about that, but there's no denying that D - F was put in place precisely because under - regulated financial markets helped inflate the housing bubble which kinda blew up the economy.
As Robert Shiller, the brilliant Yale economist who predicted America's housing bubble, put it: «I worry that what is happening in Canada is kind of a slow - motion version of what happened in the U.S.»
To put it mildly, he had an inordinate amount of faith in the Chinese government's ability to prop up bubbles.
«There's been a prevailing idea that we can put a bubble around a national economy for goods, to control what goes in or out, and provide incentives or affect prices in other ways,» Dawson argued.
But «those who decline because they are already certain such a bitumen bubble does not exist, or believe that merely asking such a question amounts to heresy, or puts the «national interest» on trial,» show they are unwilling to «dare, dig in, and do their job.»
In this article we'll use forest fire management policy as an analogy to discuss whether market forces should be allowed to burst speculative bubbles, «clean the forest floor,» and quickly return the market to a natural state, or if governments and central banks should try to «put fires out» in an effort to slowly deflate speculative bubbles which, if allowed to burst, might harm the broader economIn this article we'll use forest fire management policy as an analogy to discuss whether market forces should be allowed to burst speculative bubbles, «clean the forest floor,» and quickly return the market to a natural state, or if governments and central banks should try to «put fires out» in an effort to slowly deflate speculative bubbles which, if allowed to burst, might harm the broader economin an effort to slowly deflate speculative bubbles which, if allowed to burst, might harm the broader economy.
It doesn't matter WHO you are, WHAT your religion is, WHAT your «sincere» intention was — when you put yourself on an airplane, in today's environment, with people of all nationalities, you are REQUIRED to show cognizance of and deference to the small bubble of society that ALL wish to make the trip and land safely.
Just put in in a little Jesus bubble and blow it away....
Well, the last time Americans had a president who was psychologically «programmed» to ignore facts that didn't agree with his beliefs, the USA ended up wasting $ 1T in an illegal war to «liberate» 100's of billions of barrels of Iraqi oil (as many as 1.2 M people died in the process due to violence, disease & starvation resulting from the conflict), nearly $ 5T was added to the U.S. federal debt, a man with experience as the Judges and Stewards Commissioner for the International Arabian Horse Association was put in charge of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the U.S. subprime credit «bubble» expanded hugely & then imploded, wiping out some $ 14T in global wealth & destroying millions of jobs, etc..
personally i refuse to put myself in a christian bubble.
The emotions that caused that murder are in us, hidden deeply away but bubbling forth in explosions of temper, fits of passion, acts of prejudice, feelings of jealousy, desires to vindicate, needs to insult, to put down — ambition for power or status.
After a tantrum in one tiny or a heart - to - heart with another or even just a rainy day of boredom, I've learned to put babies into the bath and let the ministry of bubbles baptize us into a renewal of sorts.
Once the sweet potatoes have cooked put the tomato puree, vinegar, garlic, spices and salt in a pot with some olive oil, heat for a minute or two until they're bubbling
Put the coconut milk in a small saucepan over high heat and just bring to a boil (little bubbles are starting to form) before removing from heat.
it was definitely batter, not dough, but during rising it was very thin and wobbly; i could see the air bubbles in the top and when i picked up the pan to put it in the oven, it deflated and didn't rise again in the oven.
In a pan, warm the olive oil, when start to bubbling then add the sweet potatoes, don't put too much of the sweet potatoes at the same time or they won't be crunchy.
I had these paper bags, which some of the kids decorated at the party, and some took home to decorate, and put a dried fruit snack in (instead of sweets or chocolate), a small pack of coloured modelling clay and a wildlife colouring book, bubbles were meant to go in but were forgotten in the chaos.
Other recipes for bread always say to put yeast in water and let it bubble up before adding to mix.
Put all ingredients in a blender and blend (make sure you have enough room, I had to do it in batches, it will bubble).
I made mine and put it in the fridge for when the kids woke up (maybe 2 - 3 hours) and it bubbled when i baked them.
Put back in pan, add the salt and pepper to taste and heat through until it starts to bubble.
I would then wrap in bubble wrap, and maybe for extra measure put in a ziploc bag — fingers crossed it works!
Start with cooked bacon in the bottom of the skillet and pour the cabbage and egg over it and stick the whole thing in the oven (170 C) When the egg sets put sliced cheese over the top and when it bubbles the okonomiyaki is ready.
In four days the liquid will stop bubbling — the cabbage is ready to be put into jars and into a fridge, or be eaten:)
Next you put the coconut milk and coconut cream in a medium saucepan over medium heat and stir until the sides bubble.
You freeze the two flavors, one after the other (if possible), then alternately, put layers of still - soft churned ice cream in a container (they don't need to be perfect; I just put big «blobs» of ice cream and sorbet over each other), rapping it on the counter to loosen air bubbles.
I think the problem was that the first night that I reheated a little of it, I must have put it in the microwave for too long (it was bubbling when I took it out).
Combine the sugar, water and cardamom powder in a pan and put the pan on medium flame bring it to a boil, scum will start bubbling on the top of the liquid, remove it using by a ladle.
Put baking dish in a foil - lined shallow baking pan (to catch drips) and bake until fillings are bubbling and potato mixture is browned around edge, about 40 minutes.
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