Sentences with phrase «put it on there»

I should have put this on there.
Here is a novel idea: Why don't the Gays and Lesbians Put on there big boy panties and Big girl Pants... and just NOT go where they feel they are not wanted or offended.
Quite the confirmation bias you are putting on there, Robert, to try to sustain your crazy god delusion.
I am not sure what I will eventually put on there, but right now, I wanted to make some old videos from high school available to some of my friends.
My blog posts have been posting to Facebook for a few years now, and I do not remember how I put them on there.
I have already changed her diet slightly, but the actual going to the toilet part is hard as she screams and begs not to be put on there.
Because I still wanted a bit of tomato flavor even without the traditional sauce, I also sliced up some Roma tomatoes and put those on there, too.
Once you put it on there, it will harden like a rind after 24 hours.
Perfecting 10 french macaroon recipes was a stupid one to put on there.
If you're going to put lace in the front of the jersey, just put it on there, don't put a fake plastic overlay there instead.
My only suggestions are that they switch it to butter over oil for the mac - and - cheese, and that hot sauce becomes a default topping: this thing would have immediately shifted from good to great if the White Sox just put it on there themselves.
He is obviously a better football man than all of our board, so put him on there and let him stay involved.
It's fairly inexpensive and it's good to just have on hand also if your pump comes with a battery pack option put that on there as well because you may be in a situation where you can't get to your car for some other reason, maybe your car parks a mile down the road and you can't get down there to pump so the battery option is also good you know if you're just having the pump randomly on some place that you normally wouldn't have to.
She put on there «The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo» and I have been loving that!
Although she did use the potty nearly 20 times in all during the days, all of which was my putting her on there or transferring her mid «accident».
If I had a light table I would definitely put this on there.
We know it is managed by the Met police, and there is no judicial oversight over who is put on there.
If it is a leaner meat like a chicken breast, maybe we put a scoop of coconut oil in there; or we cut out the half to a whole avocado and put it on there.
If you have topics that you want us to address, please put them on there.
And I didn't know how to actually put her on there, so it hurt — a lot.
I fill the liquid up to a little bit below the line on the NutriBullet cup, because once you put it on there to mix the collagen protein expands!
When first putting it on there is a lot of extra serum that drops off!
It's a tiny bit hard to see, but the sleeves have an unusual way of being attached to the shoulder, almost as if they were put on there straight up, which gives the boxy edge to a this feminine pieces.
She put on there «The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo» and I have been loving that!
Much to my surprise the next morning when I was about to put it on there was actually a zipper on the side!
Another thing to beware of is the people that have been on there for seven and eight and nine years, not once changing their pictures which were already ten years old when they originally put them on there, but it just makes it all the more fun to watch
Do they allow you to post a profile and if they do how much information can you put on there?
«It's about the software we are putting on there that makes this a really optimal learning platform.»
They now say they did not put them on there, and Amazon says they can not remove them.
As far as the book Kindles go, you have two kinds of books on there — ones bought from and downloaded from amazon, and ones you put on there yourself.
Practically half their catalog is nothing but yaoi and hentai, and the only series I know of that IS N'T hentai or yaoi that they put on there was Elemental Gelade, which JManga also had.
While the application wouldn't be that hard to create, it will pretty much render Kindle Blog publishing dead, since why would anyone want to pay for each individual blog when they can just pay for an app (even if it will be a recurring monthly subscription because of the amount of Internet traffic it will generate) and get all of the blogs including ones that are not available in the Kindle Store because their authors don't want / care / can't or just plain wouldn't put them on there.
If you have a full color Tablet - PC kind of thing with its own app store, eventually people are going to find a way to open pretty much anything you choose to put on there.
What I'm really excited about now is the new Web CMS that you've put on there and I'm looking for some really creative ways to use that as well.
Commission Chairwoman Rhonda Gerber questioned what the tags would look like: «What are they going to put on there - a puppy or a kitty?»
The stuff I put on there is 90 % stuff that wouldn't get bonused on another card (the only travel I put on it is AA / US travel, for example).
I'd buy pretty much all of their Konami catalogue if they just wanted to put it on there.
Hopefully they haven't been removed so soon after putting them on there.
Thats not gonna happen... I would bet money with all these new apps they WILL have the balls to try and raise the price of a gold subscription again... Even though it should be cheapened with all those ads that companies pay to have put on there
-- Goldeneye doesn't really fit tightly in with that particular boundary that we put on there,» he said.
Sony caused a lot of fuss when it confirmed that there would be no way of turning off the PS4's DualShock 4 light bar (one of its main purposes right now is to distinguish individual players), but do you want to know why it was really put on there?
Project Morpheus was one of the main reasons it was put on there - Sony just had to keep quiet about it for the months between the PS4 launch and the Morpheus reveal.
Everyone here worked very hard to get the campaign going, please come check it out when it's ready and we hope you'll enjoy all the content we put on there.
If you already own one or more of the games they put on there and it's not worth it to you to pay again for a game you already own (which is very understandable) THEN DO N'T BUY IT!
If it's going to be really cramped and you can't grab your cats and move them around and it's clumsy, it doesn't seem worth it to put it on there.
Thanks for putting me on there, it's a great site & getting more exposure day by day.
Pretty much whatever either the legislature or administrative decision makers what to put on there.
Let the debate rage at CALI — remember the MOOC program we are putting on there, Sarah?
«So I dropped him an email,» Sheldon - Hicks recalled, «and said, «If you're on the project I think you're on, I will give you my right arm to put us on there.»»
He runs a Yahoo Group that discusses problems, and you can tell that he reads every single post that someone puts on there.
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