Sentences with phrase «put large diaper bags»

You can put large diaper bags & other stuffs for your baby.
The underneath basket is large enough to put large diaper bags, some other stuffs of baby or you can use it for shopping too but the accessibility is not that much easy thou it has cross curved bar in the back with side elastic.
You can easily put large diaper bag & some of your stuffs too.
You can put large diaper bag & some other stuff but you can't go for a grocery shopping with it.

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The basket is quite large to put diaper bags & other baby stuffs along with some light weight grocery shopping goodies.
So basket is not much large as compare to other full size stroller but still you can put diaper bag into it & some baby products.
The basket is large enough to put one medium size diaper bag & some other stuffs of your baby like napkins; food etc..
If you are a shopaholic parent then definitely this is a important part in this «GB Evoq 4 - in - 1 Travel System Review» so the basket is very large to carry diaper bag of your baby & you can easily put your shopping stuffs into it.
The storage basket is very large; you can easily put diaper bags & grocery stuffs.
It has large basket to put diaper bags & your shopping stuffs but unfortunately when you attach the second seat then your child's legs will be in the basket so there will not be any room.
Basket is large & easy to access; you can easily put your diaper bag into the basket.
I know while reading this «Contours Bliss 4 - in - 1 Stroller System Review» for this section you will be expecting some good features so it has large basket in which you can easily put diaper bag & some of your shopping stuffs.
The storage basket is not so large but it's a medium size basket, you can easily put your medium size diaper bags some toys or light weight stuffs.
It is pretty large to put there a diaper bag and some other essentials for your kiddo.
One Vista owner mentioned she could put a bag of groceries in it and on a different trip to the post office she took a rather big box plus her large diaper bag.
The usual cup holder may be missing, but, like a good Porsche 911, you can put your drink in the back storage pocket, which is large enough to carry a blanket or even a diaper bag.
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