Sentences with phrase «put on liquid diets»

Strange goings on at the Department for Work and Pensions, as Iain Duncan Smith suggests people too obese for work are put on liquid diets.
And eating this bag of dried mango would probably cause my jaw to lock up and put me on a liquid diet for a few months.

Not exact matches

Revealing Iain Duncan Smith's enthusiasm for putting obese benefit claimants on a liquid diet says a lot about the motivation of the man running the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
Well, then let's put people on a calorie restricted diet of nearly pure liquid sugar.
Others who undergo a colonscopy or sigmoidoscopy are put on a pre-operative liquid diet for about 24 hours in order to blush out the bowel system and put as little strain on the digestive system as possible.
Patients who have just undergone bariatric surgery are put on an all - liquid diet for a few weeks following surgery.
We put him on a bland diet and yesterday he didn ¿ t poop he started pooping some liquidy poop today but is having to go out like every 30 - 45 mins and is straining when he goes out (he doesn ¿ t poop every time) he has some light red liquid (I ¿ m guessing is blood) coming from his rectum not a lot of noticeable
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