Sentences with phrase «put on the hat»

So, put on their hat, not yours, to figure out would resonate most with them.
Hopefully, from this post, you have learned that the key to successful sales is putting on the hat of your customers.
I tried to put on their hats: What would get their attention?
I just don't see how putting on a hat clearly designated by the employer as uniform necessarily means that the individual is «practicing» a belief or «celebrating» a holiday.
It really won't do to offer - as happened at a church in the USA attended by a friend - leaflets urging women to «be veiled» at Mass as a sign, apparently, of submission to male authority (surely a very odd reason to give for putting on a hat?).
how would you deal with it, if we put on ourselves the hat of truth, right?
The vibrant colours are beautiful together and if you sprinkle on nutritional yeast flakes before you put on their hats you'll get a cheesy, nutty and sweet sensation all in one bite.
I remember being about 9 yrs old and I had not had a haircut in forever and put on this hat because I hated my hair.
She would have adored it if I had put on a hat and gloves and gone out to have lunch or tea with the girls.
Finally, can we talk about fixing a draft that requires players to put on the hat of a team that has no interest in employing them?
For those of us in the sunny Southern Hemisphere, I'd encourage you to put on a hat and sunblock and head outdoors as much as possible.
Use simple movements, like tapping on the table or putting on a hat.
For instance, they can put on a hat and wait for the water to drip down on their face with Wet Head, or launch shaving cream into their face with Pie Face.
She loves putting on hats - and because she needs no help putting them on she goes to those first!
In the event that I'm going to be out in the sun for much longer than my skin is used to, it is often easy enough to just put on a hat or shirt to shield my skin.
Maybe it's a refusal to put on a hat, maybe it's wanting to get out of the car, or not get out of the car — whatever the trigger (and it can be anything, can't it?)
Maybe it's a refusal to put on a hat, maybe it's wanting to get out of the car, or not get out of the car — whatever the trigger (and it can be...
What would you put on your hat for all people to see?
Also, try leaving your neck exposed — you can always put on a hat if you get cold — and roll your cuffs once or twice to flash a little bit of wrist.
Invest in a silk scarf to put over your hair before putting on a hat and it will cut down the friction and static build up.
I would put on a hat and bundle my kids in a fleece blanket.
You are promotion yourself so for a second put on the hat of an ad organization or professional.
Director of this year's standout thriller «Get Out» Jordan Peele is putting on the hat of executive producer for HBO series «Lovecraft...
So he put on his hat, and his shoes made in France... and opened a jar and put ants in his pants...»
But it's not long before the stark light of reality hits when they realize that they now have to put on the hat of marketer.
He raced to put on his hat for the photo.
You no longer feel the need to put on a hat every time you leave the house — but... read more»
Or you could just wrap your hair in a scarf before putting on a hat.
This was irritating for a moody teenager whose hairdo was more important than putting on a hat when it was -20 °C / -4 °F outside, but worst of all was having to be at the bus stop so early that it was still dark in wintertime, the twisty dirt road often unplowed and deep with snow.
And we as lawyers, in our business partner role, really have to put on the hat of helping our internal clients understand what those smart risks are.»
The transition from brainstorming to prototyping, that's when you put on the hat of critical thinking and trying to identify which of these possible brainstorm ideas should I pursue first.
Brush and floss your teeth daily, put on your hat and gloves, send a thank - you note.

Not exact matches

They can change their hats, put bells on their shoes or paint their guitars — but as long as they wrap their ideas around something that's now commonplace, it won't get them the same ROI as a completely original idea.
If McConnell can fend off his conservative challenger on May 20, guide four of his fellow incumbents through a thicket of Tea Party primary challenges, and survive the November election — a difficult hat trick — he is likely to emerge as the one Washington Republican who can return the Grand Old Party to the grand old political center and put an end to Tea Party extremism.
So she put her researcher hat on and read up on every aspect of ASD and cognitive neuroscience.
«You can't put party hats on everyone,» Rubin says, pointing out that some personality types will never hit 100 — or even close to it — in their self - assessments of contentment.
Only make friends with your employees if you can put on the boss hat and not feel guilty or uncomfortable in it.
Since everyone began putting on their entrepreneurial hats, AG Hair has met its annual financial goals without fail.
Ask when you must accept or decline and then take the time to go over the offer and if need be, put your negotiating hat on to make sure that you are being compensated appropriately based on your experience and industry.
First, I'll put on my Cassandra hat to... spell out the worst - case scenario,» Cramer said.
Thanks to my own sketches, Bryce's work, and my Fiverr hire, by the end of the week, I had about 20 designs to put on t - shirts, hats and mugs offered by Printful, and I had only spent about $ 50 to acquire them.
But everybody in the company puts on their different hats, switches gears and makes it work.
Not that the occasional typo bothers me, but, being a freelance editor and proofreader (yes, there is a difference), I find that more than two or three in a post and I take off my «interested reader» hat and put on my «eagle - eyed editor» hat without even thinking about it.
It's also been considered one of the safest, most «white - hat» methods of link building in the SEO's arsenal, but over the last several years, has largely been put on the backburner as most SEOs pursued more powerful (albeit, more risky) tactics.
A few weeks later Premier Christy Clark flew by helicopter to the Woodfibre LNG site to put on a hard hat and announce to media fanfare that «Woodfibre LNG is a go» thanks to a new
Kevin also put his marketing hat on and built an acquisition machine that has driven massive growth for the company.
The customer doesn't understand what any of that is: [FAs] have an RIA hat, and then they can take that hat off, put the other hat on, put the third hat on, put the 15th hat on.
I put it to you that «the year of widespread consumer use of [Bitcoin Ripple Stellar ZCash decentralized ether apps etc.]» is perhaps analogous to «the year of [Ubuntu Debian Slackware Red Hat etc.] on the desktop.»
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