Sentences with phrase «put on the other side»

Change his nappy if he is very sleepy then put him back on the same breast if he hasn't finished that side, or put him on the other side.
If baby has finished the first side you may well find he gets cross when you put him back to that breast, so put him on the other side and feed him until he won't take any more - until he is tanked right up!
You can also put it on the other side as well.
(My baby and I slept on our sides facing each other, and I would flip over and put him on the other side next time he woke so that he could nurse from the other breast) When other mothers would discuss how many times they'd gotten up during the night, and how tired they were I didn't really relate because my son's requests for nourishment were so quiet.
«Set an alarm and put it on the other side of the room.
Kendall grabbed the booster seat for Romy and put it on the other side of Wylda by the wall before she smiled warmly at Aaron who was smiling kindly back at her, his beard was gone and she tilted her head.
Rounding out the early - festival porn parade is Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman's Lovelace, which puts us on the other side of the lens, de-objectifying the object of desire.
Someone has to be willing to sell the put on the other side of the trade.
That puts you on the other side of the fence: freedom, but no connections.
If he bites your hands and clothes as you try to restrain him, put him on the other side of a barrier or in his crate or puppy playpen for a short while.
While many others have doubled the second SIM card slot in the tray as a microSD card slot, Motorola just put it on the other side.
Put yourself on the other side of the desk.
Try to put yourself on the other side of the desk — come up with some examples of how you solved a problem for your team, your customers, your boss, or your company.
In your job search, try putting yourself on the other side of the hiring table.
Yes, if you put yourself on the other side of the table, you will know just how well a cover letter must be... Read More»
Listening Skills This puts you on the other side of the table — how you interpret the verbal and non-verbal messages sent to you by other people, can define your relationship with them.
Now I just have to figure out what to put on the other side of the door, where the birdhouse is.
The quote on the wall says «keep your eyes on the stars and the stars in your eyes» which is one of my favorites, but what would you put on the other side.

Not exact matches

On one side are the fanboys, who vociferously defend Apple and its products from naysayers and at the same time put down other companies and their goods.
My response, «you take out the bread, spread the peanut butter on one side, jelly on the other, put them together and you are done».
This may intimidate those on the other side and put them on their heels before they've a chance to establish their own credibility.
The deal was put on hold while both sides regrouped (and rethought) each other's valuation positions.
Cable news, no matter what channel you're watching, has devolved into putting multiple people onscreen while they see who can talk the loudest and longest without ever recognizing that the person on the other side of the split screen may have a point.
On the other side of the ledger, an oil spill in Burrard Inlet would put at risk industries, including tourism, real estate and agriculture, that together employ over 200,000 people, according to Vancouver - based CRED (Conversations for Responsible Economic Development), a non-profit research and advocacy group.
Had Trump taken the measures suggested repeatedly by ethics experts on both sides of the political aisle, he would by now have put his assets in what's called a blind trust, which would entail turning over his empire to a third party with whom he will have no contact, who would sell off the properties and reinvest the resulting money in other assets without providing the president any information about the sales or the purchases.
Then ensure money for your outgoings is put to one side, perhaps in an instant - access savings account, so you can't accidentally spend it on other things.
On the SD IRA custodian side, I've noticed a couple of them have setup specific «plans» for people investing in crowdfunding sites — these «plans» have significantly lower fees for crowdfunding deals compared to other SD IRA investments, so you end up paying significantly less to put $ 50K in a crowdfunding platform vs. $ 50K in a direct real estate deal or $ 50K in gold, for example.
It's nice to put a face to the name and see who the human on the other side of the phone or computer screen actually is — just make sure that your employees understand that by using their personal accounts to share company content and interact professionally, they need to remember that everything they post is a reflection on the company.
As a recovering christian, 5 years clean and open minded, the truth definitely did set me free - it set me free of the horrors and fear that come with christianity; it allowed me to look at things from all sides (putting the shoe on the other foot so to speak); it allowed me to love more freely and be a better person.
So, let's try a little thought experiment: put heretics and pagans and witches on one side, and righteous Christians on the other, just before the heretics and pagans and witches get led away to be burned at the stake.
It's clear that they are totally opposed to changing their mind on the topic; no matter how much evidence the other side puts up.
@beep let's put all gay on one side and all straight on the other build a wall.
On the other side, the Gospel according to Mary was not put (primarily, I won't deny they might not of wanted a female author) because it had recently just been written and there was no indication from other books and scholars that Mary was ever an Apostle or that close of a disciple to Jesus.
This public reviling of Tony Jones, et al. puts this blog and TWW on just about the same moral footing as the other side.
If you put Allah on one side of a coin and Jesus on the other, which side would come up most often when flipped?
On the other hand, from the empirical side, Whitehead and his colleagues in radical empiricism, William James, Henri Bergson, and John Dewey, have insisted that cognition is only an abstraction from the more fundamental physical experience, and that to treat the cognizable as the more real is — with a truly Cartesian forgetfulness — to put the wagon before the horse.
This is a technicality that Atheists use to try to put the burden on the other side.
Those who come from other ecclesial communities and enter into full communion with the Catholic Church encounter great joy among some Catholics that they have, not to put too fine a point on it, «come over to our side
There will always be times when we would prefer other modes of expression but we need to bear in mind that the liturgy is a duty laid on us by the Church, and not some individual devotion; we owe it to the Church to carry it out as obediently as we can, and put our own preferences to one side, as Newman did.
Then he cauterized it and put it back inside, repeating the procedure on the other side.
I charge you (to believe) that there is no god but Allah and that if the seven heavens and the seven earths were put on one side of a scale and the words «There is no god but Allah» were put on the other, the latter would outweigh the former.
On the other side of the dialogue, my long association with, and belief in, Hinduism enables me, I feel, to put myself in the place of many non-Christians confronted with the church's approach to interreligious relations.
She condemned the heretic not to punish him but to save him, not to protect herself or society against him but to lead him back to the truth; for on the other side of his heresy, as it were, she loved the person she put to death to deliver him from his heresy.
I am concerned, however, that the article leaves the impression that the proper place to draw the line puts neo-Darwinism on the scientific side of the line and the statement «Man is reducible to matter» on the other side.
But what awaits on the other side for those who put their trust in Him — will far outweight the trauma here.
Put to popular vote the query, which they enjoy the better, ragtime and jazz on the one side or Chopin's Nocturnes on the other, and where would the majority be?
On the other side put the chicken in the pressure cooker and fry it with some oil and add ginger paste, garlic paste, salt, ajinomito, lemon juice and stir them all very well.
Also, don't be tempted to put some crostinis over the coals while the cheese is melting on the others on the side with no heat.
I usually serve it on the side and let people who like it put it on (like grown - ups) and then the others eat it without it.
As a bonus, you can sear the other two sides, putting grill marks on all four long sides.
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