Sentences with phrase «put paying back my student loan»

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A cosigner should have a strong credit history that puts lenders at ease, as well as the willingness and means to put their own finances on the line if the student can't pay back their loan.
Thus, these borrowers were put into debt by Sallie Mae and Navient student loans, despite the likelihood that many would be unable to pay them back and default.
When I decided to go to college to better take care of my family I was told that even though I had an income of only 1000.00 a month I did not qualify or fafsa because I made too much, so I was forced to take put student loans that I can't pay back because I still can't get a job doing what I went to school for and I feel the school I went to did not do all they could to help me, other people who went to the school got their loans wiped clean, but I don't know how they did it so now I am 15000.00 in debt to the loan company who actually changed hands a couple of years ago, I was told because of that I could get mine wiped clean because they never informed me but how I don't know.
As student loan borrower I can say that the US Dept of Ed and Debt Resolution are in violations of the FCRA by reaging and will full providing innacurate information as furnisher knowing that CFPB is not our attorney we seek help to assist with the dispute the results the US Dept of Ed took the paid status of the loans, remove the student loan after 6 weeks without notice put them back reaging 5 years.
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