Sentences with phrase «puts animal ears»

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He had felt it, for example, in the darkness of the paleolithic age when for the first time he ventured to put fire to his own use, or accidentally discovered how to produce it; in neolithic times when he found that by cultivating thin ears of grass he could turn them into rice and millet and corn; and much later, at the dawn of our industrial era, when he found that he could tame and harness not only animals but the tireless energies of steam and electricity.
As more such species are sequenced, he says, «everyone will be using these» genomes to find out which genes are responsible for particular functions, especially for plant pathogens such as Fusarium, which causes ear rot in corn and puts out mycotoxins in animal feed.
Like the specialized hairs in animal ears, vibrations prompt ions in the hair cells to put out an electrical current that is then processed by the brain to decipher sound or detect motion.
Put on your animal print, add some animal ears, draw on whiskers and a nose with black eyeliner, then cut a red heart out of construction paper with the letters «TY» on it to wear around your neck or taped to your outfit.
Many veterinarians are quick to point out that putting an animal under any type of anaesthetic carries a risk and elective surgeries to needlessly change an animal's appearance or behaviors (think de-clawing, de-barking, ear cropping and tail docking) should not be encouraged.
Made to be animal - friendly, multiple sound suppression options have been put in place to address the sound sensitivity of our pets» ears.
For stressed or injured animals, rub a drop on their ear or put a drop on the towel in their crate or carrier.
After Stormy was rescued from the animal shelter, a veterinarian assessed his medical problems and a tendency to nip those who tried to pet his ears, and recommended he be put down.
Sure nobody likes to see anything put to death but is it fair to keep them alive, fending for food, getting desease, ticks, fleas, possibly rabies, ear mites, cat cough, feline lukemia, and possibly spreading these things to other animals.
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