Sentences with phrase «puts over puppy»

It puts over puppy's head and bolts around their chest.

Not exact matches

Yes the ref was crap and biased, but we still rolled over like little puppies when they put the pressure on after half time.
Sarah Pursell: Yeah, we had like a plastic shower curtain that we put on the bed and then we put some sheet over it and some puppy pads on top to, you know, to catch most of the liquid.
That is when I learned to put the puppy in a box by my side of the bed, and hang my hand over into the box so we all could sleep.
I like to put a blanket over the metal crates to give it more of a den like «feel» which puppies do seem to like when sleeping but I recommend removing the blanket during the day so they can feel more apart of whats going on in the household while crated.
You should carefully screen these buyers over the telephone and ideally in person before putting them on your puppy list.
Take a small towel and put it over the shoulder and lightly pat the puppy on the back.
«Get a stuffed animal and put it under tree, then get the puppy when the holidays are over,» she says.
They can» t urinate all over your favorite brand new carpeting, they can» t get on the furniture and leave those puppy snot marks on the suede, and they can» t run amuck to find that one precious article that you forgot to put up before you left the house.
«Puppy mills put profit over animal welfare to produce as many puppies as possible, often in shockingly poor conditions.
Over 100 animal welfare advocates from across the nation convened to discuss ways to collaborate, share resources, and ideally, put an end to puppy mills.
By 2012, the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association estimated that the law had led to over 1,000 dogs and puppies in Ontario having been needlessly put down.
Puppy mills breed dogs and put profit over the well being of the animals in their care.
The commercial breeders — puppy millers — that put profit over the well being of the dogs do sell their dogs in pet stores.
Puppy mills are dog breeding operations that put profit over the health and well - being of the dogs.
Slipping in puppy piddle, closing a cage door on a cat's tail, forgetting to latch a kennel gate, opening a door when an animal is loose, putting the wrong kitten in the wrong litter, mixing up black cats, tripping over a mop... the possibilities are endless.
You can make a perfectly normal puppy into a fear biter, and worthless as a protection dog, by putting them in threatening situations over and over again.
You can put a blanket over the crate if you want as this will make your puppy feel more secure.
Many puppy mills are regulated by the United States Department of Agriculture, 1,924 licensed Class A and B to be exact, but most puppy mills aren't so strictly regulated and put profit over the health of the dogs they breed.
Everyone loves a puppy, and while small children may coo and awww over the sight of a newborn puppy, putting two separate creatures -LSB-...]
When visitors, especially children who are not used to dogs, come over, put your puppy or playful dog in his crate with a treat.
Wait until your puppy begs for more, walk over, pick up her bowl, place in one more piece of kibble, wait for the pup to sit, and then put her bowl on the floor.
However, Manatee significantly curtails intake, Austin is overcrowded and giving away animals FREE, Austin sent out a plea for a puppy exposed to PARVO being put in the general population because the sick ward was full, and Manatee just announced they are doing the same — any animal in their facility who has been there OVER 90 DAYS IS FREE!
Slowly, over the past five or six years, university studies have put forth a different picture: it's not the puppies, they say, it's the adult dogs that are picked up as strays or surrendered by owners that populate shelters and die for lack of a home.
I keep the puppy next to my bed the first few nights, and when she starts fussing put my hand over and let her smell me.
During that time the Club went from holding Specialty Puppy Matches to putting on several stand alone specialty conformation shows with over 100 dogs attending them.
Some dogs won't tolerate a lively puppy that jumps all over them, trying to put the insubordinate pup in its place.
This shelter accepts animals for $ 1.00, and most times people won't even pay that, so they toss the puppies, dogs, cats and kittens over the fence or put them in the «night deposit» box.
All of these scenarios can create or exacerbate fear, as the puppy is put into strange situations with insufficient control over the scenario and insufficient support from his owner.
Be wary of puppy mills and backyard breeders who often use unethical breeding practices and, in some cases, put profit over animal well - being.
Simply put, the challenge at hand is to carefully nourish our large breed puppies during their critical «rapid growth phase» and maintaining appropriate nourishment over an extended duration of development.
Puppies need lots of puppy gear — those things you put on them and over them so they can go places with you, like the park and training class.
The pup is automatically put in a submissive position as you are bending over it in an authoritative manner and telling him he is a good puppy which reinforces his place on the totem pole.
Ed Frawley and one of the Rush - Deja puppies go over a few of the new and exciting things we are doing here at Leerburg, including the new Establishing Pack Structure with Your Puppy DVD and the two new Michael Ellis DVDs that got put on hold but a...
Don't move it all over the place trying to decide after the puppies» arrival where to put it, it will be confusing.
Sometimes when they play the dog will put her mouth over most of the puppy's upper back, not causing any harm.
My own PERSONAL definition of a puppy mill is ANY breeder of any size that puts the profit of the sale over the welfare of the dogs left behind.
Nine of the 32 dogs removed last week from the Wizard of Claws — a Pembroke Pines, Florida, store that was notorious for selling puppy - mill - born designer dogs — were put up for adoption over the weekend, and they all found homes.
To put things in perspective, it is important to note that last year's Puppy Bowl drew 10 million viewers over five airings, Wikipedia reports — clearly, it is becoming a popular and highly anticipated American event.
Common situations that require foster home support: a young adult dog that just needs to get well over a couple of weeks before she / he is altered and put up for adoption; a litter of puppies that would benefit from a family situation to aid in their social development; an animal that requires attention and love to overcome past traumas.
On behalf of Kentuckians for the Commonwealth — I'm a member of — and for all those thousands of people, folks in the mountains who have lost loved ones due to the carcinogenic heavy metals blown out of the earth and poisoning our waters by this hellish, murderous extraction of coal called mountaintop removal — to represent them, I stand proudly in defiance of Governor Steven Beshear, McConnell, King Coal and all the King's lap puppies in the statehouses of Kentucky and West Virginia and those here in Washington, DC, who put corporate gains over people's lives.
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