Sentences with phrase «putting aside what»

Putting aside what appears to obvious malpractice when it comes to the DOT / note, the collecting of and keeping / losing client funds is a big deal.
It will let you to know exactly how much money you can spend on yourself while at the same time putting aside what is necessary for bills, loans, and necessities.
Putting aside what might arguably be called the novelty artists — a whole swath of modernist fashionistas labeled pop, op, conceptual, installations, etc., and with these I'd also include the abstract expressionists and action painters of yesteryear, funded by post-World War II corporate America — Herman Rose is up there with the major painters of the realist tradition, figures like Ryder, Bellows, Hopper, Soyer and Alice Neel.
In retrospect of course that's what they should have done but they are only human and putting aside what happened for most of the game, it was a great comeback.
And what you might ultimately come to find if you put aside what is comforting is that one can derive just as much peace from a secular life as from a religious one.
He is engaging everyone, asking people to put aside what they did yesterday to ask why they did it, can they do it better.
Put aside what you used to think and get ready to have a very different view about the single people in your life.
Will Jason be inspired to put aside what others expect from him and follow his heart?
Phil Daro, one of the writers of the Common Core math standards, has said that even the improved tests associated with the Common Core could force teachers to put aside what would be best in the classroom.
Does making a painting involve an effort to put aside what we learned in infancy in order to see what is there?
And, I'll put aside what is, in some ways, the conflict between the ethos underlying anti-SLAPP legislation and that permitting extremely permissive class action legislation.
Put aside what you can afford in a separate bank account so some money will be there to help with expenses when your father passes.
When you feel like you're hitting the same wall, again and again, it's time to put aside what led to the latest fight and who's right (here's the challenging secret every couples therapist knows: you're both right.

Not exact matches

A strong leader puts aside her or his ego and steps aside in order to focus on what's best for the group.
If you can find it in you to put them all aside, though, you'll be left with what's very likely the most portable mainstream laptop in existence.
Putting aside all the songs about love (including love of country) and loss, what strikes me is that the single most successful and consistent message in the largest number of classic songs is one that's just as significant in our business lives as it is in our personal affairs.
Put your ego aside and you'll find the best answers and the best solutions... and then you'll have even more reasons to feel good about what you have built.
Once you've done that, you can put blame and your failings aside and try to understand what made you fail.
Even with a very limited definition of what constitutes a forced CEO dismissal and a large gap between the actual forced dismissal rate and what theoretically might happen if a board puts aside its personal barriers to firing a CEO, quite a few CEOs are forced out of their companies.
Put questions of status aside and instead of imagining what you want to do in the abstract, imagine your perfect day in detail.
He says entrepreneurs need to instead put aside their ego and listen to what consumers are already telling them.
People who worked for Mr. Draghi during his 10 - year run at the Italian treasury say he applied the M.I.T. approach that put aside models and theories for what actually works.
There is no narrative that sets out the longer - run economic and social challenges; there is no discussion of how these challenges are interrelated; and, there is no commitment to put aside ideologies and consider what is best for the country.
Once you've done that, divvy up the rest of what you can afford to set aside (no matter how small), putting money into a tax - advantaged account like a 401 (k) or IRA for retirement and a regular brokerage account for goals you want to reach before you're 59 1/2.
Putting aside the performance of bonds during the bear market beginning in 1980 (both because the starting yields on Treasuries were so high but also because the bear market was relatively mild as the decline began from relatively low levels of valuation), what's interesting about the above chart is how dependably bonds protected a portfolio during equity bear markets.
We'll take the guesswork out of what you should charge, how much to put aside for taxes, and budgeting for your business.
Putting aside his mistaken belief that his voters are «Aussie Battlers» - when in fact they are hard - working small business owners and contractors, many of whom receive franked dividends from their business endeavors — it's worth looking at what all the fuss is about... Continue...
It includes the obvious, such as what you earned on that money you put aside in a bank or money market account, as well as on a few not - so - obvious sources: bonds, loans you made to others and even that piddling little amount your home lease security deposit brought in.
However, putting aside these macro fundamentals, I do believe that the statement has merit within the emerging manager circuit, and for many new firms (particularly unproven Micro-VC's) raising in 2018, the chill may be similar to what all of venture faced in 2009 and 2010.
So if churches in America decided that for ONE year, we would put aside only 1/3 of what we would owe the government in property taxes for that one year, we could solve the world's water crisis in one year!
Putting aside the surprising reemergence of test scores as the preferred standard of performance, I wondered what she would say about Catholic schools.
Yet even if they tried, the evangelists could not put aside their knowledge of the crucifixion and resurrection and feel what the people of Galilee felt, any more than someone writing today about Jewish history in the 1930s can put aside their knowledge of the horror of the Holocaust or of the creation of the state of Israel.
So, no name, put aside the lies about yourself and look at yourself in a full length mirror and speak truth, the truth is what is good and wholesome about your life, any kindness, gentleness, tenderheartedness, mercy, humility, patience and encouragement of others, this is the clothing your wear that people see.
And even if you have the right horse, what makes you think that jolly old Jehovah will put aside his wrath when he hears that your «faith» was just a matter of hedging bets?
We need to put the racism aside and focus on what's best for this country.
Listen to what your body and soul can tell you when you put science aside.
Following the challenge from Gene, what are some areas in your life where «Enough is Enough» and you can put aside the money you would have spent on the «upgrade» to use for the Kingdom of God instead?
I have always felt that this is one area where there Gospels actually go BACKWARDS from what is described by Paul, since he says we are to put aside childish ways, yet Jesus says to come to him as a child.
One can only urge Eichenwald to put aside his ideological prejudices and let Jesus be Jesus, not some cardboard caricature of what he would like Jesus to be.
We have to ask ourselves which of these is more probable, putting aside our preconceptions and keeping in mind what we know of human nature.
But putting these considerations aside, it is not too early to begin thinking together what a much longer length of life on earth ought to be like.
What are some areas in your life where Enough is Enough and you can put aside the money you would have spent on the Kingdom of God instead?
We need to put our petty differences aside and come to the conclusion, that no matter what we believe in, what colour our skin is or what nationality we stem from, it is our community, family, church, government and our company that feeds these messages of hate.
Another way to make God a priority, aside from spending lots of time with Him, is to discover why He put you on this earth, what His plans for you are, and then fulfill those plans.
Let us put aside this still unresolved problem of the upper limits of the world, and since we do not yet know what may be beyond or around the galaxies, let us at least consider what unites them — that is to say, try to describe the genesis of their swarm.
Now — estoeric concepts such as «the soul» put aside for a moment (since The Bible states that nobody can know when ensoulment happens despite the many differing opinions from prominent theologians throughout the ages), what characteristics define a human being and how does a single cell possess them all?
In se x, as in Christianity, there are times when it's all about putting your own needs aside and just «giving», other times when there is give and take as well as «sharing», other times when you depend upon the help of others to give you what you need, and still other times when it's just you, alone, with your thoughts and desires.
Aside from misquoting what God had said and raising doubt in Eve's mind about the Word of God, the serpent was implying that whatever Eve did about the fruit, it was God's fault for putting the tree there in the first place.
So putting that aside, what is your response to the explanation of Genesis 6:5 above?
Today, politicians will put aside their differences to honour murdered MP Jo Cox and focus on what they have in common.
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