Sentences with phrase «putting migraine patients»

But by putting migraine patients on very restricted diets, and then adding foods back into the diet, one at a time, researchers have been able to identify several common food triggers, which I call the «migraine dirty dozen»: apples, bananas, chocolate, citrus fruits, corn, dairy products, eggs, meat, nuts, onions, tomatoes, and wheat.

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A 2013 study took 21 migraine patients and put them on an elimination diet after doing an IgG anti-body test to assess for food intolerances.
Doctors might order a CT or MRI scan for a headache or migraine to put patients» minds at ease about fears that a malignant brain tumor, aneurysm, arteriovenous malformation or other issue might be causing their symptoms.
Certain common medications for treating mood disorders, migraines, depression, diabetes and blood pressure can cause patients to put on weight.
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