Sentences with phrase «putting unedited»

Simply showing screenshots of a new game is nothing more than putting unedited press material on a site, readers quickly realised, that they can get the press releases directly from the publisher (e.g. the official site of the game) and that there is no need to rely on press outlets to get PR material.
I made the mistake of putting unedited books online and am still paying the price for it, in reviews and lost readers.
As author Angela White says in this interview with BookBuzzr, «I made the mistake of putting unedited books online and am still paying the price for it, in reviews and lost readers.»
Later I wrote to the City Hall press office and asked them to put the unedited video online.

Not exact matches

Because it's unedited and accessible, it gains greater trust from the audience watching as it not only feels true but it puts viewers in the center of the action.
So far, preventing disease by employing CRISPR — Cas9 to alter the human germ line — a human embryo, egg or sperm — has remained extremely controversial, due to concerns about unwittingly introducing errors or leaving stowaway unedited disease - causing mutations that would put future generations at risk of disease.
But The Room was wildly successful in one important way: putting Tommy Wiseau's singular, unedited vision out into the world.
The committee has not issued a final document, but it has put out a press release and a prepublication version of an unedited version of the report.
KOTV put the story on their 9 p.m. newscast that evening and posted the entire unedited video on their website.
Right now, there are so many photo editing apps out there (you can even find some on your phone) so there is really no excuse to put up ugly unedited photos.
Battlefield Hardline is looking fantastic in six minutes of unedited footage... but unlike many potentially misleading videos you'll see over the next few hours, Visceral Games are willing to put their reputation where their mouth is.
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