Sentences with word «quadrature»

Last year, the group demonstrated that the speed of a wireless link in the 300 - GHz band could be greatly enhanced by using quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM).
«Our primary interest is in extending the approach to work with more complex signals such as quadrature PSK», which can encode more data in the phase, says Richardson.
The point is we are probably now 2 generations into rules based advice and quadrature optimization and it already overtaking this PC product so choosing a guesstimated simple portfolio when you can have an optimized slightly more complex kind of misses the power we now have.
Blood oxygen level dependent imaging (BOLD) data were acquired using a 3 - Tesla whole - body scanner (GE Signa; General Electric Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI) using a standard quadrature head coil and a gradient - echo EPI sequence.
fBy quadrature from items 9 and 12.
bBy quadrature using ± 0.75 (i.e., half the 90 % confidence interval range) for the uncertainty in item 2.
curryja, you need to bear in mind that the uncertainties tend to add in quadrature so a new source of uncertainty would need to be quite hefty — relatively speaking — to show a noticeable increase on what's already there.
The period is determined by a Jupiter - Saturn - Uranus quadrature series, which returns in four steps of 69 yrs, and a single ~ 41.6 yr step to resolve at the regular synodic 3 body return of 317.67 yrs that Desmond King - Hele noted and studied.
Combining in quadrature suggests a 2 - sigma uncertainty of + -4.4 C for the LGM uncertainty, which doesn't seem ridiculous for a reconstruction based only on SST proxies — bigger than the AR5 estimate of + -2.5 C, but that estimate is based on much more data.
Turning to connectivity, the Note 8 offers Bluetooth 5.0, WiFi ac, 1024QAM for Quadrature amplitude modulation, and NFC, which combines with MST to offer a multitude of mobile payment options using Samsung Pay.
Another weird note that furthers the disparity seen here: while T - Mobile and Telstra have implemented advanced Quadrature Amplitude Modulation technologies, both receive the Intel - equipped iPhone 7 which do not support it.
Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT), Interface electronics to Resolvers and interferometric quadrature encoders.
Other possibilities within the frequentist framework would be to use estimation procedures based on the first - order Taylor expansion method or adaptive Guassian quadrature: Wang and McArdle (2008) used these for estimating the closely related (Chen, 1998; Hamaker, 2009) multilevel changepoint model.
If we take the difference, and add the uncertainties in quadrature, we find the difference in the trend, and the uncertainty of that difference:
AM and FM have been joined by many other modulation schemes with exotic names like «quadrature phase - shift keying» and «double - sideband suppressed - carrier transmission.»
For total aerosol forcing using the AR4 uncertainty ranges for individual components, the 90 % confidence range, by quadrature, is ± 0.86 W / m2 (see Table 4).
Today, most wireless communication technologies use lower frequencies (5 GHz or below) with high - order digital modulation schemes, such as the quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), to enhance data rates within limited bandwidths available.
[Further response: The range of 1956 - 2006 trends in the SST is 0.080 ± 0.01, compared to 0.081 ± 0.02 for the trends in the mean reconstruction — thus the errors in the «updated» HadCRUT3v series trend will likely be just a little larger than the 0.022 (adding the terms in quadrature).
The final uncertainty is estimated by «determined by adding in quadrature» some other numbers.
It also appears that they assumed the subset of real error that they did use to be additive: ``... uncertainty is determined by adding in quadrature each of the uncertainties listed above...».
The one standard deviation uncertainty in CERES net TOA flux for individual years (Fig. 3) is 0.31 Wm - 2, determined by adding in quadrature the mean net TOA flux uncertainty and a random component from the root - mean - square difference between CERES Terra and CERES Aqua global annual mean net TOA flux values.
The + / -0.43 Wm - 2 uncertainty is determined by adding in quadrature each of the uncertainties listed above and a + / -0.2 Wm - 2 contribution corresponding to the standard error (at the 90 % confidence level) in the mean CERES net TOA flux for January 2001â $ «December 2010.
So, again checking the trends, taking the difference and adding uncertainties in quadrature we get:
However, the matching of their characteristics as set out in the main text, points a) to c), and the fact that some fluctuations will be reflected in OHU, suggests a reduction from the 0.11 °C error standard deviation implied by adding two 0.08 °C standard deviations in quadrature, say increasing halfway, to 0.095 °C.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z