Sentences with phrase «quadratus lumborum in»

I don't remember any mention of quadratus lumborum in any traditional yogic text.

Not exact matches

Other muscles in this region include the internal, external and transverse obliques, the erector spinae, transverse abdominus and quadratus lumborum.
In much simpler words, the core is a collection of muscles which stabilize and move the spine, including the inner core (diaphragm, pelvic floor, multifidus, cervical flexors and transverse abdominis) and the outer core (the rectus abdominis, spinal erectors, the obliques, quadratus lumborum and hip flexors).
The diaphragm, you can consciously control, becomes the governor and that ties in very specifically to intrinsic core muscles like the soas and the quadratus lumborum.
In addition to strong ligaments, there are a number of incredibly strong muscles that surround the SIJ, including the erector spinae, psoas, quadratus lumborum, piriformis, abdominal obliques, gluteal muscles, and hamstrings.
The benefit of this exercise is that it activates the muscles in your quadratus lumborum (QL) and lats, two muscle groups that are essential for spinal stability.
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