Sentences with phrase «quadrillion times»

Both are huge, extending for millions of light - years, and very massive: each is about one quadrillion times the mass of our Sun.
And what weighs 2 quadrillion times the mass of our own sun?
It contains about 100 quadrillion times the mass of the sun, equivalent to 100,000 Milky Ways.
From all these data, the scientists determined the cluster's mass: two quadrillion times the mass of our own sun, most of it dark matter and hot, tenuous gas.
It is some 10 quadrillion times bigger than the mass of the W and Z bosons that define the strength of the weak nuclear force, for example.

Not exact matches

While there's no way of knowing for sure, estimates of the face value of all derivatives outstanding tops a quadrillion (1,000 trillion) dollars, or more than 14 times the entire world's annual GDP.
Firstly, that quadrillion - to - one chances actually happen all the time.
Mira is a 10 - petaflops computer that packs 10 quadrillion calculations into each second of computing time.
These gamma - ray bursts, astrophysicists recently learned, originate in distant galaxies and are unfathomably powerful — as much as 10 quadrillion (a one followed by 16 zeros) times as energetic as the sun.
Assuming that each synapse processes one action potential per second and that these transactions represent the brain's computational output, then the brain performs at least one quadrillion operations per second, almost a thousand times more than the best supercomputers.
We also find heat sloshing around the world's oceans, which absorb 93 quadrillion watts of the sun's energy — a hundred thousand times more power than could be produced by all the power plants in the United States put together.
A petabyte is a quadrillion (that's 10 followed by 15 zeroes) bytes, or about 1,000 times the average storage on a personal computer.
The galaxy clusters, called Abell 3411 and Abell 3412, are about two billion light - years from Earth, and are very massive, with about a quadrillion (a million billion) times the mass of the sun each.
155 quadrillion dollars today is roughly a thousand times greater than worldwide GDP.
Because of the way opportunity costs compound over time the world at the turn of the next century will be poorer by the equivalent of $ Quadrillions and I suspect, if we could send a probe to our future descendants to ask if they would prefer a little less CO2 or an extra $ 500,000 each for everyone on Earth, the answer we get back would not be congratulatory for surrendering to these brain dead mooks.
That means the system — dubbed Sequoia — will handle a quadrillion mathematical operations per second and run about 10 times faster than... [more]
That means the system — dubbed Sequoia — will handle a quadrillion mathematical operations per second and run about 10 times faster than today's top supercomputer at Los Alamos National Laboratory, which was also built by I.B.M.»
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