Sentences with phrase «qualified health plans offered»

Coverage purchased in the individual market, including a qualified health plan offered by the Health Insurance Marketplace (also known as an Affordable Insurance Exchange)

Not exact matches

Even firms that fall below the 50 - employee threshold that requires companies to offer qualified plans under the ACA want to offer health care to stay competitive with their hiring.
Businesses with 50 employees or more are required to offer qualified health care plans in 2016.
Even though companies with fewer than 50 employees aren't required to offer qualified health care plans, the majority of them say they need to offer benefits to compete with larger companies.
If your health deteriorates, you do not need to worry about qualifying for something offering a savings plan feature.
Notably, individuals are only eligible for the premium assistance tax credit if they are enrolled in a qualifying health plan (QHP), which means coverage that is offered through an exchange, provides essential health benefits, and meets actuarial requirements.
Remember you must be able to answer NO to the health questions in order to qualify for a plan: I am using the carrier that offers those with COPD, a plan.
Gap insurance plans are not regulated by the Affordable Care Act, and do not offer the same consumer protections as qualifying health coverage.
Do check with your student health officials to make sure that the student health plans offered by your college or university technically qualify as healthcare coverage from a federal standpoint.
We propose that this special enrollment period be available with respect to a qualified individual or his or her dependent who, in any year, has coverage under a group health plan or an individual plan with a plan or policy year that is not offered on a calendar year basis.
(i) Subject to § 147.104 of this subchapter, a Federally - facilitated SHOP must use a minimum participation rate of 70 percent, calculated as the number of full - time employees accepting coverage offered by a qualified employer plus the number of full - time employees who, at the time the employer submits the SHOP group enrollment, are enrolled in coverage through another group health plan, governmental coverage (such as Medicare, Medicaid, or TRICARE), coverage sold through the individual market, or in other minimum essential coverage, divided by the number of full - time employees offered coverage.
For this reason, we propose to calculate the minimum participation rate as the number of full - time employees accepting coverage offered by the qualified employer through the SHOP plus the number of full - time employees who are enrolled in coverage through another group health plan, in governmental coverage (such as Medicare, Medicaid or TRICARE), in coverage sold through the individual market, or in other minimum essential coverage, divided by the number of full - time employees offered coverage through the SHOP.
A Qualified Health Plan, which you can purchase from the health insurance marketplace (e.g. Obamacare) or obtain through your employer, offers comprehensive health insurance covHealth Plan, which you can purchase from the health insurance marketplace (e.g. Obamacare) or obtain through your employer, offers comprehensive health insurance covhealth insurance marketplace (e.g. Obamacare) or obtain through your employer, offers comprehensive health insurance covhealth insurance coverage.
HTH offers flexible plan designs so that individuals and families get the coverage they need with the freedom to choose qualified doctors, hospitals and health services anywhere in the world.
Many employers offer an FSA and HSA in conjunction with a qualifying high - deductible health plan, which often is the cheapest type of plan available and best for people with few medical expenses.
In order to serve all the women currently obtaining contraceptive services at Planned Parenthood health centers nationwide, other types of safety - net family planning providers would have to increase their client caseloads by 47 %, on average.2 Federally qualified health center (FQHC) sites offering contraceptive care, hospital sites and others would have to increase their capacity by more than half (see chart 1).2 Sites operated by public health departments nationwide would have to increase their contraceptive client caseloads by a lesser proportion.
In the wake of last summer's smear videos, many antiabortion state policymakers have sought to specifically exclude otherwise - qualified Planned Parenthood health centers from publicly funded programs, including those Planned Parenthood sites that do not offer abortion.
If you qualify for Access Plan you may also qualify for other programs offered by the Vermont Department of Health.
The report found that Planned Parenthood health centers are most likely to both offer a full range of contraceptive services, and offer hours that accommodate women's busy lives — that's compared to other safety net providers, such as federally qualified health centers (FQHC) and health departments.
The Marketplace also offers qualified major medical health insurance plans that meet the mandates of the Affordable Care Act.
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