Sentences with phrase «qualified replacement»

As your employees retire, your search to find qualified replacements is made more difficult because of achievement gaps and their negative impact on the preparation of students.
Here's the best part, at least for owners: As long as the $ 4 million is reinvested in what's called «qualified replacement property» — stock in U.S. companies or bonds, but not passive investments like mutual funds — an owner can defer paying what might otherwise be a hefty capital gains tax liability.
Secondly, there seems to be a commonly held belief by many of Wenger's most ardent supporters that even if Arsene left of his own accord it would be next to impossible to find a similarly qualified replacement.
Correcting and widening the research functions will take longer because of removing or re-educating current personnel and the lack of qualified replacements.
«This process would allow us the opportunity to recommend or select a well - qualified replacement, so that public uncertainty regarding who fills this important office will be resolved as soon as reasonably practical,» Heastie wrote in a Wednesday letter to fellow lawmakers.
In the event that Mr. Hevesi is removed from office through such a proceeding, it is the obligation of state leaders to act in a bipartisan manner to find a highly - qualified replacement.
Most districts will allow professionals to resign from a contract after the district hires a qualified replacement.
Normally, companies will use the funds to recruit a qualified replacement or to cover short term revenue deficits.
Our Guarantee: If any tenant placed by Quartermaster Properties is evicted or terminates their lease early, we will find a qualified replacement tenant FREE of charge!
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