Sentences with phrase «qualify as a belief»

But understand that atheism qualifies as a belief also — a belief of «non-belief» if you will.
Neither qualify as a belief system, though in the sense of western religions.

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We will need shared beliefs and values, whether or not they qualify as religion.
Some «Chrisitians» need to make sure they explore their belief and make sure it even qualifies as Christianity.
But by 1961 the Supreme Court found itself having to acknowledge that «a sincere and meaningful belief which occupies in the life of its possessor a place parallel to that filled by... God» in the life of others qualified as religion in our civil society.
Those who strongly agreed with all four (17 %) qualified as having evangelical beliefs.
I'm just here to poke fun at athiests who attempt to claim their belief in the non-existence of a deity doesn't qualify as a religion.
Seems as if everyone has their own standard as to what action, attitude, belief, etc., qualifies one for entrance into heaven.
2) They should find a qualified counsellor who understands their religious beliefs and work through it toward a biblical and spiritual restoration as defined in the text of the Bible in the letters to the Corinthian church, the church in Rome, or the recorded teachings of Jesus in the Gospels.
We mean that if our beliefs are to qualify as Christian at all, they must inescapably be referred to tradition, to the beliefs of past Christians.
Perry is using religion as a stamp of approval to get votes from «believers» who are: 1) gullible enough to believe this nonsense about hearing directly from God; and 2) those stupid enough to accept that religious beliefs along qualify a person to run a country.
Yet we may with confidence assert that, for the time of the Judges, such law as existed in established usages like blood revenge, and in certain tribal and family customs, was not sufficient to supplant the belief that might constituted the supreme socially valid norm, qualified mainly by the restraining magical powers of the oath and curse.
Nour's background in technology and public policy not only makes her uniquely qualified to speak on these questions, but she was also on the street as the revolt happened, risking the consequences of standing up for her beliefs and the rights of her people.
Other proposals aimed at increasing the availability of one - to - one adult supervision, such as Classroom Assistants, were received less well, with teachers initially reacting badly to the perceived de-skilling of their work and the belief that smaller class sizes were going to be achieved by diluting the role of qualified teachers.
As CEO of Edgenuity, a company that offers online and blended learning programs delivered by highly qualified teachers, Factor is putting that belief to the test.
Pence, who describes his religious beliefs as evangelical, removed the cap on the number of students who could qualify for a voucher to a private school, increased the limits on qualifying family income, and removed Daniel's stipulation that the student had to try the public school first.
As to its public policy and economic implications my belief is that it is poor policy to allow refinancing into government (taxpayer) backed mortgages by homeowners that would not otherwise qualify for the loans.
Exactly the same as qualified scientists that forget basic training to follow personal beliefs that have nothing to do with the knowledge base gifted to them.
Even in the case of the Succoth hut on the condominium's balcony, where the SCC said that religious belief had only to be sincere to qualify for Charter protection (Linus van Pelt in Peanuts expressed that decades ago: it doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you're sincere), the religious person got to set up his hut contrary to the condo's by - laws because the court held it was no big deal for the condo.
You never want to include things that you think will benefit you such as country of origin or religious or political beliefs, because personal prejudices and differences could cause your resume to be rejected, even if you are the most qualified for the job.
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