Sentences with phrase «qualify as health food»

These might not qualify as health food, per se, but I'm guessing that these vegan treats are a whole lot better for you, and a whole lot tastier, than what's coming out of the fryer at your local fast food chain.

Not exact matches

It's important to make sure the gelatin powder you choose is from grass - fed animals, otherwise it won't be as high in anti-inflammatory amino acids, such as glycine, which allow it to be such an amazing health food (this means, unfortunately, the packaged gelatin you find in grocery stores doesn't qualify).
In such cases, FDA allows health claims based on scientific data that are strong and building — but only as long as product labels «qualify» those purported benefits — that is, describe limitations of the data linking food and benefit.
This enzyme - inhibiting effect of the eugenol in basil qualifies basil as an «anti-inflammatory» food that can provide important healing benefits along with symptomatic relief for individuals with inflammatory health problems like rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel conditions.
The sheer quantity and variety of identified compounds with documented health benefits qualifies maple syrup as the next champion food.
Bananas qualify as a nutrient - dense food, because besides calories, they supply a mix of nutrients that contribute to overall health.
As a qualified Nutrition & Health Coach, I help you gain the motivation, knowledge and practical skills to create healthier habits around food, eating and lifestyle.
Since prebiotics are relatively «new» on the health and science scene, there is some debate over which foods qualify as «prebiotic foods» and which don't.
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